Амулет принятия решений Primed fiberboard Acrylic painting Symbolism Fantasy Russia 2023
Ассоциативная композиция в стиле символизм. В этом сюжете показана полярность и взаимодействие двух миров: божественного, существующего в вечном неколебимом порядке, представленного образом Луны и человеческого, сиюминутного, зачастую пребывающего в смятении, представленного фарфоровой фигуркой маленькой девочки. Человеку, чья жизнь хрупка, как фарфор, часто приходится оказываться перед выбором. Свобода выбора дарована ему свыше. Тем, кто доверяет высшему промыслу о себе проще принимать решения. Можно всю жизнь кататься на карусели, а можно спрыгнуть с нее и дальше уже самому руководить своим полетом.
Associative composition in the style of surrealism. This plot shows the polarity and interaction of two worlds: the divine, existing in an eternal, unshakable order, represented by the image of the Moon, and the human, momentary, in constant turmoil, represented by a porcelain figurine of a little girl. A person whose life is as fragile as porcelain often faces a choice. Freedom of choice was given to him from above. It is easier for those who trust the higher providence to make decisions about themselves. You can ride on a carousel all your life, or you can jump off it and then control your own flight.
Associative composition in the style of surrealism. This plot shows the polarity and interaction of two worlds: the divine, existing in an eternal, unshakable order, represented by the image of the Moon, and the human, momentary, in constant turmoil, represented by a porcelain figurine of a little girl. A person whose life is as fragile as porcelain often faces a choice. Freedom of choice was given to him from above. It is easier for those who trust the higher providence to make decisions about themselves. You can ride on a carousel all your life, or you can jump off it and then control your own flight.
ID: | 78031 |
Artist: | Pavel Korzukhin (b. 1967) |
Originality: | Original artwork, Original from the artist |
Condition: | new |
Year of manufacture: | 2023 |
Applied technique: | Acrylic painting |
Medium: | Primed fiberboard |
Size: | 88 x 100 cm |
Art style: | Symbolism |
Genre: | Fantasy |
Place of origin: | St. Petersburg, Russia |
Category: | Paintings |
Keywords: | Beauties, Clouds, Girl |
Information about the artist
В создаваемых мною композициях нет изображений видимой реальности, в них передаются ее образы. Такая особенность уподобляет их иконам. Я стараюсь передать сакральное безмолвие жизни. Не только акустическую, но и внутреннюю тишину, наполняющую все вокруг. Вечное Здесь и бесконечное Сейчас – вот два главных героя любых моих картин. В них можно войти, если постараться смолкнуть и забыть всё, о чем знал до настоящего момента. Положительный опыт созерцания этих композиций посылает душе исцеляющий импульс, сила воздействия которого иногда сравнима с церковной службой, глубокой медитацией или успешным визитом к психоаналитику.
In the compositions I create, there are no images of visible reality, they convey its images. This feature likens them to ikons. I try to convey the sacred silence of life. Not only acoustic, but also inner silence that fills everything around. Eternal Here and infinite Now - these are the two main characters of any of my paintings. You can enter them if you try to fall silent and forget everything you knew about until now. The positive experience of contemplating these compositions sends a healing impulse to the soul, the impact of which is sometimes comparable to a church service, deep meditation or a successful visit to a psychoanalyst.
In the compositions I create, there are no images of visible reality, they convey its images. This feature likens them to ikons. I try to convey the sacred silence of life. Not only acoustic, but also inner silence that fills everything around. Eternal Here and infinite Now - these are the two main characters of any of my paintings. You can enter them if you try to fall silent and forget everything you knew about until now. The positive experience of contemplating these compositions sends a healing impulse to the soul, the impact of which is sometimes comparable to a church service, deep meditation or a successful visit to a psychoanalyst.

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