"Случайный мандарин" Canvas on cardboard Oil Still life Russia 2021

Condition: | Available | Russia, Orenburg
$ 580
Rimma Tagirova
Rimma Tagirova. "Случайный мандарин"
Задача была поставлена написать картину в холодной гамме, но мне показалось - это скучно! И я решила добавить тёплый радужный мандарин. И посмотрите - этот маленький случайный мандарин поменял всю картину. Как он отразился во всех предметах и все засияло по-другому из-за этого маленького солнышка)) Это наводит на мысль, что мы все влияем друг на друга видимо и невидимо, пере отражаясь друг в друге. И даже, попав не в свою среду, продолжай светить)) И все вокруг получат частичку твоего света!

Information about the artist

My name is Tagirova Rimma, I am a Member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia and a member of the International Academy of Contemporary Art.

I have been drawing since childhood, studied at the Master of Painting in St. Petersburg.
Expressing love and emotions in my work, I hope that these feelings also arise in the viewer when he looks at my work. I really like to paint multi-layered paintings, starting with grisaille. Favorite technique of painting with oil on wood, favoring bright colors, smooth movements and attractive textures.
My main theme in my work is nature, in all its manifestations. I also like to paint still lifes - puzzles, with meaning and interesting overtones.

I have my own workshop where I work every day. I have created 135 works of art, most of which have been sold online. There are offline selling on exhibitions too but during pandemic my social networks worked much better. Repeat purchase are made by buyers who say that subject of my artworks becomes a reality.

Since I already have a large number of buyers from different countries and I have learned how to organize the perfect delivery process, getting great reviews from both regular customers and new ones. I want to increase sales channels, and your site is attractive to me, because there are various methods of promotion and high customers traffic.
I participated in 21 exhibitions, I conduct master classes and i don't want stop improving my technique and style.
2018 Exhibition "Woman - a healthy lifestyle"
2019, 2020, 2021 luxembourgart prize
2019 ART EXCELLENCE AWARDS AEA, 2nd international Festival "By hands of woman" Moscow
2019 "Creativity of women entrepreneurs in Orenburg
2019 Exhibition "Exchange Yard" Orenburg 2019
2020 Golden Time Talent UK
2020 ART PLAZA Nall Grape Water Area, Moscow
2021 Exhibition "Painting art world"
Won first place in the international competition Golden Time Talent in 2021. , and a bronze medal in ART EXCELLENCE AWAR

Other works by the artist

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