St. Alypius of the Kyiv Caves Wood Acrylic fineart Figurative art Ukraine 2010

Condition: | Available | Ukraine, Lviv
$ 200
Yuriy Hrechyn
Yuriy Hrechyn. St. Alypius of the Kyiv Caves
Venerable Alypius the Iconographer of the Kiev Caves
Acrylic & gold leaf on wood panel
41.8 x 19.6 x 2.3 cm, 2010

Saint Alypius, one of the first and finest of Ukrainian iconographers, from his youth lived a life of asceticism at the Kiev Caves monastery.

Saint Alypius was never famous, and he painted icons only to serve God. He was ordained a hieromonk, and was known for working miracles even in his lifetime. Saint Alypius healed a Kievan man suffering from leprosy and decay of the body by anointing the wounds of the sick man with the paints he used for the painting of icons. Many of his icons were glorified by miracles, and sometimes angels helped him in the holy task of painting icons.

One of the icons painted by Saint Alypius survives from the time of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, and is now preserved in the Tretyakov Gallery. This is the Yaroslavl Oranta Icon.

Information about the artist

Художник-иконописец, образование получил на отделении сакрального искусства Львовской национальной академии искусств (ЛНАИ). После окончания магистратуры (2007) учился в аспирантуре, соединяя научную работу с педагогической (преподавание в ЛНАИ). Тема моего диссертационного исследования – "Иконография Ветхозаветной Троицыв украинском искусстве XI-XVIII веков".
В творческой деятельности ищу новых, актуальных для нашего времени, художественных средств выражения православной иконописной традиции при сохранении ее основоположных принципов.

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