2 handkolorierte Kupferstichlandkarten Afrika und Ägypten von Matthaeus Seutter, 18./19.Jh. -

Lot 35
23.07.2022 16:00UTC +00:00
€ 180
AuctioneerEppli Auktionshalle
Event locationGermany, L.-Echterdingen
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 795891
Lot 35 | 2 handkolorierte Kupferstichlandkarten Afrika und Ägypten von Matthaeus Seutter, 18./19.Jh. -
2 hand coloured copper engraved maps of Africa and Egypt by Matthaeus Seutter, 18th/19th c. - 1 x "Africa iuxta navigationes et observationes, correcta et in sua regna et status divisa, in lucem edita", Africa, Matthaeus Seutter. 1 x "Deserta Agypti, Thebaidis, Arabia, Syriae, etc. ubi accurata notata sunt loca inhabitata per Sanctos Patres Anachoretas", Mediterranean Sea with Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Matthaeus Seutter. Large format with centrefold. Signs of age and usage, foxing, discolourations, tears, handwritten notes, creases.
Address of auction Eppli Auktionshalle
Heilbronner Straße 9-13
70771 L.-Echterdingen
23.07.2022 – 23.07.2022
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