5- tlg Konvolut Deckeldosen und Zierei aus verschiedenen Materialien, 19. Jh.

Lot 5036
28.05.2022 10:00UTC +00:00
Starting price
€ 400
AuctioneerEppli Auktionshalle
Event locationGermany, L.-Echterdingen
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 772004
Lot 5036 | 5- tlg Konvolut Deckeldosen und Zierei aus verschiedenen Materialien, 19. Jh.
5-piece bundle of egg-shaped lidded boxes and ornamental eggs made of different materials, 19th century, consisting of a lidded box made of wood, finely painted all around with a figurative scene and relief decoration "running dog", partly damaged (edges and tip), lined with leather on the inside, (brittle, missing parts.), H 6.5 cm; Boxwood egg box, H 6 cm; Beech egg box with two stickers of Czech sights ("Peterbaude" and "Elb-Fall"), H 11 cm; Small copper box with green enamel coating, H 4 cm, plus a brown stone ornament with the engraving "S. B. 1874", H 5 cm, partially damaged, signs of age.
Address of auction Eppli Auktionshalle
Heilbronner Straße 9-13
70771 L.-Echterdingen
28.05.2022 – 28.05.2022
Phone +49711997008400
Fax +49 711 2209088
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