BRD, Vatikan, USA und Österreich im 'Numis Mundi' Sammelalbum -

Lot 3046
26.11.2022 15:00UTC +00:00
€ 420
AuctioneerEppli Auktionshalle
Event locationGermany, L.-Echterdingen
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 861027
Lot 3046 | BRD, Vatikan, USA und Österreich im 'Numis Mundi' Sammelalbum -
FRG, Vatican, USA and Austria in the 'Numis Mundi' scrapbook - among others 1 x Vatican 5-piece coin set 1970/71, Paul VI, with 5 coins. 10 x Vatican - silver plated commemorative medals John Paul II; 3 x commemorative medals "Gemeinde Gondelsheim 'Stadtbahn Bretten-Bruchsal' 1994", of which 1 x silver medal at 11g silver fine, 2 x commemorative medals "1200 Jahre Grombach", each 10g silver fine, 1 x commemorative medal "1000 Jahre Bruchsal" 1976, 23. 9g silver fine; 3 x USA - 1/2-Dollars 1965/68, each 2.3g silver fine; 2 x Austria - Maria Theresien Taler 1780/NP, each 23.4g silver fine; 1 x 100 Schilling 1979, 15.3g silver fine; BRD with 59 x 5 DM in Ag and CuNi as well as 17 x 10 DM. Condition different.
Address of auction Eppli Auktionshalle
Heilbronner Straße 9-13
70771 L.-Echterdingen
26.11.2022 – 26.11.2022
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Fax +49 711 2209088
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