Interessante Ansichtskarten sowie Deutsches Reich 1933-1945 - 2 x Kriegsverdienstkreuz

Lot 115
26.11.2022 15:00UTC +00:00
€ 140
AuctioneerEppli Auktionshalle
Event locationGermany, L.-Echterdingen
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 860828
Lot 115 | Interessante Ansichtskarten sowie Deutsches Reich 1933-1945 - 2 x Kriegsverdienstkreuz
Interesting picture postcards as well as Third Reich 1933-1945 - 2 x War Merit Cross 2nd Class with and without swords, each with a ribbon. In addition to it a small bundle of picture postcards with a few very rare and interesting cards. For example, special stamp card Gaufest of the NSRL (National Socialist Reich Association for Physical Exercise Gau XV Württemberg) Ludwigsburg, greeting card Tübingen 1912, Tübingen Neckaransicht 1912, greeting card Wurmlinger Chapel 1912, interior of the royal room Bebenhausen Monastery 1908, card of Echterdingen Higher School for Daughters Reutlingen, Beutelsbach, Calw, autograph of Organist Franz Sauer, cathedral organist at the Salzburg Cathedral. Album donation stamps (not complete) DDR Nationale Front, various old business cards and more. Treasure trove character, look at the best! Conditions different
Address of auction Eppli Auktionshalle
Heilbronner Straße 9-13
70771 L.-Echterdingen
26.11.2022 – 26.11.2022
Phone +49711997008400
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