Kaiserlicher Orden vom Doppelten Drachen mit originalem bestricktem Halsband aus Seide

Lot 124
12.06.2023 09:30UTC +02:00
€ 15 000
AuctioneerNagel Auktionen GmbH
Event locationGermany, Stuttgart
Buyer Premium29,5%
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ID 972379
Lot 124 | Kaiserlicher Orden vom Doppelten Drachen mit originalem bestricktem Halsband aus Seide
Estimate value
€ 6 000 – 8 000
IMPERIAL ORDER OF THE DOUBLE DRAGON WITH ORIGINAL EMBROIDERED SILK COLLAR - China, late Qing dynasty, late 19th c. - 1st model (1882-1899), 2nd class, 2nd grad. Weight ca. 98 gr. Eightfold-shaped with ruyi-head-clouds, silver gilt and enamelled, a coral cabochon in the center engraved with a 'shou' character. Inscription in Manchu and in Chinese: 'yu ci' (granted by the Emperor), 'Shuanglong baoxing' (Double Dragon Precious Star). Applications on the back, probably for mounting or fastening. Carry agraffe in ruyi head-cloud shape. Original collar made of dark red silk, embroidered in gold, silver and colored threads with double dragons, two bats and three silk crane medallions. Golden fringes. - Nobel property South Germany, inheritance of Wolf Albrecht Friedrich von Eichhorn (1883-1969), Lieutenant Commander of the Imperial German Naval Officer Corps 1914/18 - Barely visible chips of the enamel, minor signs of wear, otherwise in good conditionThe Order of the Double Dragon was mainly awarded to foreign princes, governors, generals and other high officials, naval officers and others in the late Qing Dynasty. The order (1st model) had five classes, of which the first three were each divided into three grades. A number of changes were made to the early Chinese variants due to criticism in the West that they were only worn around the neck and without a breast star. After the breast stars were introduced in 1894, their silver stars were often ordered and made in Europe (e.g. Halley, Wolfers, Godet, Treiden) and then decorated with a smaller Chinese order (2nd model). In all classes together, less than 1000 orders of the 1st model up to 1894 and the 2nd model up to 1900 should have been awarded. Because of their rarity and excellent work, these early variants are coveted by collectors.
D. 7,5 cm/ Band L. 98 cm
1. Modell (1882-1899), 2. Klasse, 2. Grad. Gewicht ca. 98 gr. Achtpassig, Silber vergoldet und emailliert, im Zentrum Korallen-Cabochon graviert mit einem 'shou'-Zeichen. Inschrift in Mandschurisch und in Chinesisch: 'yu ci' (vom Kaiser verliehen), 'Shuanglong baoxing' (Erhabener Stern vom Doppelten Drachen). Rückseitig Applikationen wohl zur Montierung bzw. Befestigung . Trage-Agraffe in ruyi-Wolkenform. Originaler Halsband aus dunkelroter Seide, bestickt in Gold-, Silber- und farbigem Faden mit Doppelten Drachen, zwei Fledermäusen und drei Kranich-Medaillons aus Seide. Golbfarbene Fransen.
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