Kleine Buddha-Figur aus massivem Gold, Thailand, 17./18. Jhdt.

Lot 4274
19.11.2024 10:00UTC +01:00
Starting price
€ 1 200
AuctioneerHermann Historica
Event locationGermany, Grasbrunn / München
Buyer Premium25 %
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 1323484
Lot 4274 | Kleine Buddha-Figur aus massivem Gold, Thailand, 17./18. Jhdt.
Kleine Buddha-Figur aus massivem Gold, Thailand, 17./18. Jhdt.
Mehrteilig gearbeitete Figur aus getriebenem und verlötetem Goldblech mit einem Feingehalt von mindestens 21 Karat. Darstellung des in Meditationshaltung sitzenden Buddhas mit über die Schulter gelegtem Mantel. Kopf mit feiner Lockenfrisur und Ushnisha. Separat angesetzte Ohren. Stellenweise leicht verbeult. Höhe 7 cm, Gewicht 14,2 g.
A small Thai Buddha figurine in solid gold, 17th/18th century
A small Thai Buddha figurine in solid gold, 17th/18th century
The figurine made in several pieces from hammered and soldered sheet gold with a fineness of at least 21 carat. A depiction of the seated Buddha in meditation posture, a cloak draped over his shoulder. Delicate curls and an ushnisha on the head. The ears added separately. Slightly dented in places. Height 7 cm, weight 14.2 g.
Condition: II - III
Address of auction Hermann Historica
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