LGB Lehmann-Gross-Bahn, Konvolut Tenderlok, 3 Güterwagen und umfangreiches Gleismaterial, Spur G,

Lot 25
23.10.2021 10:00UTC +00:00
Starting price
€ 150
AuctioneerEppli Auktionshalle
Event locationGermany, L.-Echterdingen
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 639961
Lot 25 | LGB Lehmann-Gross-Bahn, Konvolut Tenderlok, 3 Güterwagen und umfangreiches Gleismaterial, Spur G,
LGB Lehmann-Gross-Bahn, Konvolut Tenderlok, 3 Güterwagen und umfangreiches Gleismaterial, Spur G, LGB Lehmann-Big-Train, convolute tender locomotive, 3 freight wagons and tracks, track G, consists of a green / black colored steam locomotive "2774" with an engine driver, L 24 cm, yellow high side car 44210, loaded with two Steiff bears, in original box, without damage, L 27 cm, orange low side car, L 29 cm and open freight car, on both sides with doors that can be opened, l 30 cm, both without box as well as 20 straight and 12 curved track pieces and 1 LGB transformer, some with signs of age, used.
Address of auction Eppli Auktionshalle
Heilbronner Straße 9-13
70771 L.-Echterdingen
23.10.2021 – 23.10.2021
Phone +49711997008400
Fax +49 711 2209088
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