Ring mit römischer Gemme "Dextrarum iunctio"

Lot 22
19.04.2023 10:00UTC +01:00
€ 4 000
AuctioneerNagel Auktionen GmbH
Event locationGermany, Stuttgart
Buyer Premium29,5%
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ID 932337
Lot 22 | Ring mit römischer Gemme "Dextrarum iunctio"
Estimate value
€ 800 – 1 200
A RING WITH ANTIQUE ROMAN CAMEO "Dextrarum iunctio" - the Cameo Roman, ca. 2nd centruy AD, the setting 19th century of Renaissane style - Yellow gold 18ct (tested). Gem of green glass with "Dextrarum iunctio", probably an imperial couple holding hands for marriage. Weight 3.4g. - Old private Collection, Berlin. The dextrarum iunctio is part of the Roman wedding ritual, which is performed by a married woman and during which the bride and groom join hands, after which a bloodless sacrifice is offered. The dextrarum iunctio is still a popular symbol at marriages today.
RM 51,5
Gelbgold 18.kt (getestet). Gemme aus grünem Glas mit "Dextrarum iunctio", wohl ein Kaiserpaar sich zur Vermählung die Hände reichend. Ca. 3,4g.
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