Seltener quadratischer Spiegel aus Bronze mit feuervergoldetem Drachendekor in Relief

Lot 290
06.12.2022 09:30UTC +01:00
€ 6 000
AuctioneerNagel Auktionen GmbH
Event locationGermany, Stuttgart
Buyer Premium29,5%
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 875487
Lot 290 | Seltener quadratischer Spiegel aus Bronze mit feuervergoldetem Drachendekor in Relief
Estimate value
€ 6 000 – 10 000
A RARE PARCEL-GILT SQUARE MIRROR WITH A PAIR OF DRAGONS - China, Tang dynasty - Important Austrian private collection, bought in Austria in the 1990s Publ. Zeileis 'From Shang to Qing - Three and a Half Millennia of Chinese Bronze', 1999, no. 160, pp. 280-281 Square mirrors, of which this is a fine example, are rare in the Tang period. In the eighth century, increasing insecurity along the frontiers and internal distress interrupted the importation and mining of precious metals, leading in the year 756 to an edict prohibiting production of objects with gilded or inlaid decoration. The edict marked a decline in precious metalworking which increased the appreciation for metal objects being produced See a similar decorated mirror illustrated by T. Nakano et al., Bronze Mirrors from Ancient China: Donald H. Graham Jr. Collection, 1994, pp. 230-1, no. 85, where the authors note that the practice of decorating the backs of bronze mirrors with silver or gilt-silver sheet with repoussé decoration is first seen in the Sui dynasty, but was most popular in the mid-eighth century on lobed mirrors Wear, partly corroded
China, Tang-Dynastie
9,3 x 9,2 cm
Address of auction Nagel Auktionen GmbH
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02.12.2022 – 05.12.2022
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