Tableau German States with 26 coins,

Lot 2512
22.04.2023 15:00UTC +00:00
€ 2 200
AuctioneerEppli Auktionshalle
Event locationGermany, L.-Echterdingen
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 938135
Lot 2512 | Tableau German States with 26 coins,
Tableau of German states with 26 coins, including Württemberg Kronentaler 1833 Wilhelm I, 2 x Vereinstaler 1871 Karl, Sachsen Vereinstaler 1863 B Johann, Thaler 1854 on the death of Friedrich August II, Prussia yield-Vereinstaler 1861 Wilhelm I (handle trace), 2 x Siegestaler 1871 Wilhelm I, Vereinstaler 1867 Wilhelm I, 2 x Krönungsthaler 1861, Thaler 1830 A Friedrich Wilhelm III. Commemorative thaler 1862 for the German shooting festival, double guilder 1855 (two guilders) on the religious peace (Schrötlingsriss), double guilder 1848 Johann von Austria as regent, double guilder 1848 "Constituent Assembly", Hanover Vereinstaler 1864 B Georg V., Bayern Vereinstaler 1871 Ludwig II., Madonna thaler 1871 Ludwig II, double guilder 1855 Marian column Maximilian II, double Vereinstaler 1839 Equestrian column Ludwig I, Anhalt-Bernburg Taler 1855 A Alexander Carl. The conditions vary, please have a look
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