November Group - photo 1

November Group

The November Group (German: Novembergrupre) was a prominent association of German expressionist artists and architects formed in December 1918, deriving its name from the month of the German Revolution. This group was not just a collective of painters but also included artists from diverse disciplines such as architecture and music, embodying a radical and politically engaged ethos. The group's leadership saw figures like Max Pechstein and César Klein at the helm initially, with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe taking over the chairmanship in 1924.

The November Group was known for its experimentation with new expressive techniques, rejecting traditional forms of expression. This was evident in their organization of innovative events, such as the matinée Der absolute Film in May 1925 in Berlin, where abstract and surrealist avant-garde films were presented, marking the first public screening of abstract film in Germany. Their commitment to new artistic forms was a response to the rapid technological and societal changes of the era.

Throughout its existence, the group faced various challenges, including the departure of many architects and artists in 1927, leading to a significant reorganization. The November Group was particularly active in organizing art festivals, costume parties, studio visits, and literary and musical events, making it a vibrant and influential force in the German art scene of the Weimar Republic.

However, with the rise of National Socialism, the November Group, like all avant-garde associations, faced severe restrictions and was eventually disbanded in 1935. The group's legacy, however, remains significant in the history of modern art, particularly in Germany, where it played a crucial role in advancing avant-garde and expressionist movements​.

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Start of the period:1918
End of the period:1935
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