Achille Vertunni (1826 - 1897)

Achille Vertunni (1826 - 1897) - photo 1

Achille Vertunni

Achille Vertunni was an Italian landscape painter. He studied painting at the Royal Institute of Fine Arts in Naples.

A great influence on Achille Vertunni's work was the Posillipo school. His paintings are characterised by sunsets in the Roman countryside and Pontic marshes, sometimes enlivened by shepherds and herds of buffalo.

Date and place of birt:27 march 1826, Naples, Italy
Date and place of death:20 june 1897, Rome, Italy
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:School van Posillipo
Genre:Landscape painting, Rural landscape
Art style:Romanticism
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Creators Italy

Alvise Vivarini (1446 - 1502)
Alvise Vivarini
1446 - 1502
Matteo Bonechi (1669 - 1756)
Matteo Bonechi
1669 - 1756
Romolo Romani (1884 - 1916)
Romolo Romani
1884 - 1916
Giuliano Vangi (1931)
Giuliano Vangi
Carlo Pizzi (1842 - 1909)
Carlo Pizzi
1842 - 1909
Gianni Colombo (1937 - 1993)
Gianni Colombo
1937 - 1993
Mercedes Jelinek (1985)
Mercedes Jelinek
Arturo Martini (1889 - 1947)
Arturo Martini
1889 - 1947
Silvestro Lega (1826 - 1895)
Silvestro Lega
1826 - 1895
Pietro Longhi (1701 - 1785)
Pietro Longhi
1701 - 1785
Paolo Toschi (1788 - 1854)
Paolo Toschi
1788 - 1854
Piero Dorazio (1927 - 2005)
Piero Dorazio
1927 - 2005
Pietro Chiesa (1892 - 1948)
Pietro Chiesa
1892 - 1948
Nikolay Dulgerov (1901 - 1982)
Nikolay Dulgerov
1901 - 1982
Livio Castiglioni (1911 - 1979)
Livio Castiglioni
1911 - 1979
Giacomo Favretto (1849 - 1887)
Giacomo Favretto
1849 - 1887

Creators Romanticism

Heinrich Karl Jäckel (1824 - 1876)
Heinrich Karl Jäckel
1824 - 1876
Robert Home (1752 - 1834)
Robert Home
1752 - 1834
Johannes Petrus van Horstok (1745 - 1825)
Johannes Petrus van Horstok
1745 - 1825
Anton Mikhailovich Legashov (1798 - 1865)
Anton Mikhailovich Legashov
1798 - 1865
Thomas Buttersworth (1768 - 1842)
Thomas Buttersworth
1768 - 1842
Andrew Plimer (1763 - 1837)
Andrew Plimer
1763 - 1837
Andreas Achenbach (1815 - 1910)
Andreas Achenbach
1815 - 1910
Ernst Gustav Doerell (1832 - 1877)
Ernst Gustav Doerell
1832 - 1877
 Arif Pasha (1807 - 1865)
Arif Pasha
1807 - 1865
Henry Fielding (1707 - 1754)
Henry Fielding
1707 - 1754
John Heaviside Clark (1771 - 1863)
John Heaviside Clark
1771 - 1863
Charles Fairfax Murray (1849 - 1919)
Charles Fairfax Murray
1849 - 1919
Joseph Jansen (1829 - 1905)
Joseph Jansen
1829 - 1905
Rudolf Karl Gottfried Geißler (1834 - 1906)
Rudolf Karl Gottfried Geißler
1834 - 1906
Otto Fedder (1873 - 1918)
Otto Fedder
1873 - 1918
Julius Noerr (1827 - 1897)
Julius Noerr
1827 - 1897