Alexandre Joseph Pluchart (1777 - 1827)

Alexandre Joseph Pluchart (1777 - 1827) - photo 1

Alexandre Joseph Pluchart

Pierre Paul Alexandre Joseph Pluchart was a French and Russian artist, printer, lithographer and publisher.

In 1805 he came to Russia to manage the printing house at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then served in the Senate Printing House. Plushar was a good draughtsman and lithographer, he mastered the publishing business to such an extent that by 1813 he opened his own printing house in St. Petersburg. It soon gained fame as one of the best printing houses in Russia, where books in Russian and European languages were printed, and it even opened its own bookstore.

After Alexandre Plushar's death, his widow Henrietta and his son Adolf Plushar (1806-1865), a publisher, took over the printing house. Another of his sons, Eugene Plushar (1809-1880), became a famous artist.

Date and place of birt:1777, Valenciennes, France
Date and place of death:27 july 1827, Honfleur, France
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Draftsman, Engraver, Publisher