Amaranth Ehrenhalt (1928 - 2021)

Amaranth Ehrenhalt (1928 - 2021) - photo 1

Amaranth Ehrenhalt

Date and place of birt:15 january 1928, Newark, USA
Date and place of death:16 march 2021, Manhattan, USA
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter, Sculptor, Writer
Art style:Abstract Expressionism
AMARANTH EHRENHALT (1928-2021) - Auction archive

Auction archive Amaranth Ehrenhalt

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Creators USA

J. B. Murray (1908 - 1988)
J. B. Murray
1908 - 1988
Elenore Plaisted Abbott (1875 - 1935)
Elenore Plaisted Abbott
1875 - 1935
Chi-chien Wang (1907 - 2003)
Chi-chien Wang
1907 - 2003
John McLaughlin (1898 - 1976)
John McLaughlin
1898 - 1976
John Henry Twachtman (1853 - 1902)
John Henry Twachtman
1853 - 1902
Will Cotton (1965)
Will Cotton
Dorothy Fratt (1923 - 2017)
Dorothy Fratt
1923 - 2017
Spencer Sweeney (1973)
Spencer Sweeney
Eulabee Dix (1878 - 1961)
Eulabee Dix
1878 - 1961
Amer al-Obaidi (1943)
Amer al-Obaidi
Saveliy Abramovich Sorin (1878 - 1953)
Saveliy Abramovich Sorin
1878 - 1953
Saul Leiter (1923 - 2013)
Saul Leiter
1923 - 2013
Grant Wood (1891 - 1942)
Grant Wood
1891 - 1942
Lewis W. Hine (1874 - 1940)
Lewis W. Hine
1874 - 1940
David Hammons (1943)
David Hammons
John Wesley (1928 - 2022)
John Wesley
1928 - 2022

Creators Abstract Expressionism

Charles Monnier (1925 - 1993)
Charles Monnier
1925 - 1993
John Altoon (1925 - 1969)
John Altoon
1925 - 1969
Elsbeth Arlt (1948 - 2015)
Elsbeth Arlt
1948 - 2015
Sabino Ventura (1935)
Sabino Ventura
Teruko Yokoi (1924 - 2020)
Teruko Yokoi
1924 - 2020
Hale Aspacio Woodruff (1900 - 1980)
Hale Aspacio Woodruff
1900 - 1980
Gernot Schauer (1940)
Gernot Schauer
Tadashi Sato (1923 - 2005)
Tadashi Sato
1923 - 2005
Otto Wilhelm Nebel (1892 - 1973)
Otto Wilhelm Nebel
1892 - 1973
Junior Toscanelli (1971)
Junior Toscanelli
Herbert Maier (1959)
Herbert Maier
Chris Miseur (1953)
Chris Miseur
Tom Levine (1945 - 2020)
Tom Levine
1945 - 2020
Robert Zielasco (1948)
Robert Zielasco
Karlheinz Scherer (1929 - 2008)
Karlheinz Scherer
1929 - 2008
Walter Helbig (1878 - 1968)
Walter Helbig
1878 - 1968