André Valladier (1565 - 1638)

André Valladier (1565 - 1638) - photo 1

André Valladier

André Valladier was a French Jesuit, theologian and writer.

Valladier served as abbot of the Benedictine abbey of Saint-Arnoux and worked as professor of rhetoric at Avignon. He published about ten works on various subjects. The first of these was The Royal Labyrinth, a book describing the visit of King Henry IV and his new wife, Maria de' Medici, to the city of Avignon. This illustrated book was a great success and went through many editions.

Date and place of birt:1565, Saint-Pal-de-Chalencon, France
Date and place of death:13 august 1638, Metz, France
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Priest, Theologian, Writer
Genre:History painting, Religious genre
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