Cesare Fantetti (1660 - 1740)

Cesare Fantetti (1660 - 1740) - photo 1

Cesare Fantetti

Cesare Fantetti was an Italian engraver.

Fantetti was born at Florence about the year 1660. He was apprenticed in Rome. He most likely worked out of one of the many shops that sprang up with the growth of the print market. Fantetti engraved several plates, after his own designs and those of other masters. Conjointly with Pietro Aquila, he engraved the plates from the paintings by Raphael in the Vatican, called Raphael's Bible, 37 of the series being executed by Fantetti, and the remainder by Aquila and some by Carlo Maratta.


Date and place of birt:1660, Florence, Italy
Date and place of death:1740, Italy
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Engraver, Painter
Genre:Mythological painting, Religious genre
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