Charles Best (1765 - 1836) - photo 1

Charles Best

Charles Best or Carl Conrad Best was a German-born British army officer who served in the armies of the East India Company.

Best served for over seventeen years in the Hanoverian forces stationed in India and in the British colonial administration. In his notes, published in 1807, he describes parts of India, including a description of Madras. The work also covers the East Indies, the Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena, and is illustrated with landscapes and inhabitants of these places. The author also writes about the Hindu and Muslim religions, cults and customs, temples and mosques.

Date and place of birt:February 1765, Hannover, Germany
Date and place of death:5 december 1836, Verden (Aller), Germany
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Writer