Franciscus Junius I (1545 - 1602)

Franciscus Junius I (1545 - 1602) - photo 1

Franciscus Junius I

Francis Junius the Elder, born François du Jon, was a French linguist, exegete and professor of Reformed theology, and diplomat.

Junius first studied law and then theology and became a student of Jean Calvin and Theodore Beza in Geneva. For his success and knowledge of languages he was appointed minister at Antwerp, but was forced to flee to Heidelberg in 1567.

In collaboration with Immanuel Tremellius he wrote one of the significant translations of the Bible into Latin, and his theological work De Vera Theologia is the most important work on Reformed dogmatics. Some of du Jon's works were published in 1882 by Abraham Kuyper in his Reformed Library. His son François du Jon the Younger (1591 - 1677) became a noted art historian and founder of Germanic philology.

Date and place of birt:1 may 1545, Bourges, France
Date and place of death:13 october 1602, Leiden, The Netherlands
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Diplomat, Linguist, Theologian, Writer
Genre:History painting, Religious genre

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