Gaspare Venturini (1570 - 1617)

Gaspare Venturini (1570 - 1617) - photo 1

Gaspare Venturini

Date and place of birt:1570, Ferrara, Italy
Date and place of death:1617, Italy
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:School of Ferrara
Genre:Mythological painting, Religious genre
Art style:High Renaissance, Mannerism

Creators High Renaissance

Francesco Cavazzoni (1559 - 1612)
Francesco Cavazzoni
1559 - 1612
Hans von Aachen (1552 - 1615)
Hans von Aachen
1552 - 1615
Domenico Cresti (1559 - 1638)
Domenico Cresti
1559 - 1638
Carletto Caliari (1570 - 1596)
Carletto Caliari
1570 - 1596
Giovanni Carnovali (1804 - 1873)
Giovanni Carnovali
1804 - 1873
Taddeo Zuccaro (1529 - 1566)
Taddeo Zuccaro
1529 - 1566
Jan Gossaert (1478 - 1532)
Jan Gossaert
1478 - 1532
Federico Barocci (1535 - 1612)
Federico Barocci
1535 - 1612
Cherubino Alberti (1553 - 1615)
Cherubino Alberti
1553 - 1615
Gillis van Coninxloo II (1544 - 1606)
Gillis van Coninxloo II
1544 - 1606
Paris Bordone (1500 - 1570)
Paris Bordone
1500 - 1570
Antonio Maria Beduzzi (1675 - 1735)
Antonio Maria Beduzzi
1675 - 1735
Hans Rottenhammer (1564 - 1624)
Hans Rottenhammer
1564 - 1624
Giovan Francesco Penni (1488 - 1528)
Giovan Francesco Penni
1488 - 1528
Antonio da Correggio (1489 - 1534)
Antonio da Correggio
1489 - 1534
Jan Provoost (1465 - 1529)
Jan Provoost
1465 - 1529