Georgius Merula (1430 - 1494)

Georgius Merula (1430 - 1494) - photo 1

Georgius Merula

Georgius Merula, also Giorgio Merlani di Negro or Georgius Merula Alexandrinus, was an Italian humanist scholar, philosopher, philologist and historian of the Renaissance.

He held the position of professor and taught in Milan and Venice. But became known for being the first to print the works of Plautus (1472), Scriptores rei rusticae, Cato, Varron, Columella, and Palladius (1472). He also published commentaries on parts of Cicero (especially De finibus), Ausonius, Juvenal, Curtius Rufus, and other classical authors. Merula also labored in historical research and described several significant battles.

Date and place of birt:1430, Alessandria, Italy
Date and place of death:March 1494, Milan, Italy
Period of activity: XV century
Specialization:Historian, Humanist, Linguist, Philosopher, Publisher, Scientist, Writer
Genre:History painting