Hugo Spechtshart (1285 - 1360)

Hugo Spechtshart (1285 - 1360) - photo 1

Hugo Spechtshart

Hugo Spechtshart von Reutlingen, also Hugo von Reutlingen or Hugo Spechtshart, was a German chronicler, educator and priest.

A member of a wealthy family in Reutlingen, Hugo Spechtshart was dean and later chaplain at Marienkapelle. He is known as the author of a chronicle from Roman times to the 14th century in Latin verse. The museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, has his chronicle manuscript with Geisslerlieder melodies sung in the plague year of 1349.

Date and place of birt:1285, Reutlingen, Germany
Date and place of death:1360, Reutlingen, Germany
Period of activity: XIII, XIV century
Specialization:Educator, Musicologist, Priest, Writer
Genre:History painting, Religious genre