Matteo de' Pasti (1412 - 1468)

Matteo de' Pasti (1412 - 1468) - photo 1

Matteo de' Pasti

Date and place of birt:1412, Verona, Italy
Date and place of death:1468, Rimini, Italy
Period of activity: XV century
Specialization:Architect, Artist, Illustrator, Medalist, Sculptor
Art school / group:Italian school
Genre:Portrait sculpture, Religious genre
Art style:Renaissance, Кватроченто
Matteo de' Pasti (1420-1468) - Auction archive

Auction archive Matteo de' Pasti

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Creators Renaissance

Sebastiano del Piombo (1485 - 1547)
Sebastiano del Piombo
1485 - 1547
Michael Damaskenos (1530 - 1592)
Michael Damaskenos
1530 - 1592
Jacopo Dal Ponte (1510 - 1592)
Jacopo Dal Ponte
1510 - 1592
Teofane di Creta (1485 - 1559)
Teofane di Creta
1485 - 1559
Melozzo da Forlì (1438 - 1494)
Melozzo da Forlì
1438 - 1494
Bonifacio Veronese (1487 - 1553)
Bonifacio Veronese
1487 - 1553
Daniel Dumonstier (1574 - 1646)
Daniel Dumonstier
1574 - 1646
Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi (1386 - 1466)
Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi
1386 - 1466
Marcus Gerards II (1561 - 1636)
Marcus Gerards II
1561 - 1636
 Vecchietta (1412 - 1480)
1412 - 1480
Pieter Bruegel I (1525 - 1569)
Pieter Bruegel I
1525 - 1569
Francesco Salviati (1510 - 1563)
Francesco Salviati
1510 - 1563
François Rabelais (1494 - 1553)
François Rabelais
1494 - 1553
Jacopo Ligozzi (1547 - 1627)
Jacopo Ligozzi
1547 - 1627
Martin Schongauer (1448 - 1491)
Martin Schongauer
1448 - 1491
 Master of the Fiesole Epiphany (1425 - 1496)
Master of the Fiesole Epiphany
1425 - 1496