Paul Guignebault (1871 - 1931)

Paul Guignebault (1871 - 1931) - photo 1

Paul Guignebault

Paul Guignebault, born Paul Amand Guignebault, is a French painter, illustrator, designer and printmaker.

Paul studied at the Paris School of Fine Arts. In early 1902, he founded L'Atelier d'art with Henri Boutet, where they printed fine prints and color etchings. Paul Guignebault also worked as an illustrator of works for children for several book publishers in Paris, and was also involved in the creation of picture reproductions for Imagerie Quantin.

Date and place of birt:15 april 1871, Veneux-les-Sablons, France
Date and place of death:1 april 1931, Paris, France
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Designer, Draftsman, Engraver, Illustrator
Genre:Книжная иллюстрация
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