Pedro de Oña (1570 - 1643) - photo 1

Pedro de Oña

Pedro de Oña, full name Pedro de Oña y Villegas de Acurcio, was the first known poet born in Chile.

Pedro was the son of a military captain, Gregorio de Oña, who died during the Spanish conquest of Chile. After studying at the University of San Marcos in Lima, he joined the army and participated in several battles against rebellious Indians. De Oña is known to have spent many years in Peru.

Pedro de Oña's best-known literary work is Primera parte de Arauco domado (The First Part of the Conquest of Araucana, 1596), a verse epic in rhymed couplets depicting the deeds of the Marquis Hurtado de Mendoza, viceroy of Peru from 1556 to 1560. The realistic descriptions of violence and sensationalized accounts of Mapuche customs offended many, including the Bishop of Lima, and the book was banned. Today, however, it is valued as an eyewitness account of historical events.

Date and place of birt:1570, Angol, Chile
Date and place of death:1643, Lima, Peru
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Poet, Writer
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