Pierre Giffart (1638 - 1723) - photo 1

Pierre Giffart

Pierre Giffart was a French painter, printmaker and engraver.

He was a royal engraver and created lithographic works on a variety of subjects. One of Giffart's famous works are plates from original Chinese works brought from China by the envoy of King Louis XIV of France, Joachim Bouvet, depicting graceful Chinese figures in traditional and ceremonial dress. The first French edition of Beauvais's The Historical Portrait of the Emperor of China, with illustrations by Pierre Giffart, was published in Paris in 1697, and was subsequently translated and published in other languages.

Date and place of birt:27 march 1638, Paris, France
Date and place of death:20 april 1723, Paris, France
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Engraver, Publisher
Genre:Genre art, History painting, Portrait, Religious genre