Vittorio Avondo (1836 - 1910) - photo 1

Vittorio Avondo

Date and place of birt:10 august 1836, Torino, Italy
Date and place of death:14 december 1910, Torino, Italy
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Archaeologist, Artist, Historian, Painter, Researcher, Restorer, Искусствовед
Art school / group:Barbizon School, Школа Ривара
Genre:Landscape painting, Коллекционирование
Art style:Romanticism

Creators Romanticism

Theodore Bernard de Heuvel (1817 - 1906)
Theodore Bernard de Heuvel
1817 - 1906
Ludwig Lange (1808 - 1868)
Ludwig Lange
1808 - 1868
Albert Zimmermann (1808 - 1888)
Albert Zimmermann
1808 - 1888
Johann August Nahl II (1752 - 1825)
Johann August Nahl II
1752 - 1825
Johann Baptist Lachmüller (1785 - 1849)
Johann Baptist Lachmüller
1785 - 1849
Henry Fielding (1707 - 1754)
Henry Fielding
1707 - 1754
Carl Nebel (1805 - 1855)
Carl Nebel
1805 - 1855
Joseph Nash I (1809 - 1878)
Joseph Nash I
1809 - 1878
Anton Doll (1826 - 1887)
Anton Doll
1826 - 1887
Thomas Sidney Cooper (1803 - 1902)
Thomas Sidney Cooper
1803 - 1902
Cornelis Springer (1817 - 1891)
Cornelis Springer
1817 - 1891
Kharlampi Dmitrievich Kostandi (1860 - 1917)
Kharlampi Dmitrievich Kostandi
1860 - 1917
Carl Rottmann (1797 - 1850)
Carl Rottmann
1797 - 1850
Eduard Tenner (1830 - 1901)
Eduard Tenner
1830 - 1901
Louis de Silvestre (1675 - 1760)
Louis de Silvestre
1675 - 1760
Robert Kummer (1810 - 1889)
Robert Kummer
1810 - 1889