Impressionism - photo 1


Impressionism, a revolutionary 19th-century art movement, emerged as a form of rebellion against classical art, focusing on the accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities and the movement inherent in human perception. Developed primarily in France, Impressionists aimed to capture fleeting moments through visible brush strokes and open composition, often using ordinary subject matter and unusual visual angles.

This movement was marked by its break from tradition, with artists like Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Edgar Degas leading the charge. These pioneers sought to record visual reality using transient effects of light and color, creating works that reflected the modern world around them. The style was characterized by small, visible brushstrokes that seemed to offer just an impression of form, utilizing unblended color and emphasizing the play of natural light.

Today, Impressionism is celebrated for its significant contribution to modern painting, with works displayed in museums and galleries worldwide. The movement's founding members first showcased their innovative approach in an 1874 exhibition in Paris, which has since inspired countless artists and collectors. For those enchanted by the delicate balance of light and color, sign up for updates and discover the timeless appeal of Impressionist art in our carefully curated collections.

Country:Europe, France, United Kingdom
Start of the period:XIX century
End of the period:XX century