446 Items by auctions and galleries:
ara kunst
Personal Paradise
Alla Aleksandrovskaya (b. 1989)
Shop Aleksandrovskaya Alla
Alla Aleksandrovskaya
Я родилась в семье художников, наблюдая за мамой с ранних лет я занималась скульптурой и живописью. Исследуя мир вокруг я пыталась понять и осмыслить реальность и определить своё место в ней. Изучая философию и психологию я нашла собственный язык приемы и средства для выражения сложных, для визуального отображения сюжетов. Исследую проблемы мироздания, жизни и смерти, тему конечности. Вопросы которые я задаю, созвучны с сложившимися в древности религиозно-мифологическими представлениями и поисками, но я предаю им тонкую психологическую нагрузку и пытаюсь раскрыть так, как я это вижу чувствую. Придерживаясь мнения, что не существует объективного положения вещей и точного определения общей для всех реальности. В своих исследованиях я не ограничиваю себя рамками одного сюжета -это симбиоз психологических практик,практических экспериментов и философских поисков.
I was born into a family of artists. Watching my mother from an early age I was involved in sculpture and painting. Exploring the world around me, I tried to understand and comprehend reality and define my place in it. Studying philosophy and psychology, I found my own language, techniques and means to express subjects difficult to visualize. I explore the problems of creation, life and death, the theme of finitude. The questions I ask are consonant with ancient religious and mythological ideas and searches, but I give them a subtle psychological load and try to reveal them as I see them. I adhere to the view that there is no objective state of affairs and no precise definition of reality common to all. In my research I do not limit myself to a single subject; it is a symbiosis of psychological practices, practical experiments, and philosophical quests.
Artist shop
Aleksandrovskaya Alla
Number of products: 7
Yurii Yermolenko (b. 1973)
Shop Yermolenko Yurii
Yurii Yermolenko
Yury Ermolenko – A Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Born in 1973 Kiev (Ukraine) Lives and works in Kiev.
1980 – 1992 – T. Shevchenko Republican art school, Kiev, Ukraine
1992 – 1998 – National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (NAFAA), Kiev, Ukraine
1998 – 2001 – Post-graduate education ( M.A.degree ), NAFAA, Kiev, Ukraine
2003 – Got a scholarship of Ministry of Culture of Poland ”GOUDE POLONIA”, Krakow, Poland
Main exhibitions:
2018 - "Garden of Wandering Geniuses" project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine.
2017 – 2018 – “MY FAVOURITE DOLLS” project, Tauvers Gallery international, Kiev, Ukraine
2017 – 2018 – “Flea Psychedelic Market” project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine
2016 – 2017 – In “Search of Dark Energy”, Vysehrad, Prague, Czech Republic; Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria.
2014 – 2015 – “Mу Favorite Dolls”, “Brothers in Arms”
2013 – “Facevinyl”
2013 – “Ukrainian Psychedel”, “Suitcases the Classics”
2013 – “Magical Garden”
2013 – “May be always be my mother, may there always be me”
2012 – “Conversion”
2012 – “Immigration to Cuba”
2011 – “Sings of Cuba”
2011 – “Ladies I didn`t get along with”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Zaporizhia”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Kaniv”
2010 – “A hedgehog jazz f**k”
2009 – “Eternal Values”
2009 – “Peruvian Toys”
2008 – “Death of Brands”
2007 – “Pink”
2007 – “Lolita’s on the Arena”
2007 – “Silicon”
2006 – “Paradise”
2006 – “Flea Market”
2005 – "Alice new!"
2005 – “Entomology of Souls”
2004 – "13. ICONOSTASIS"
2004 – “Hunting”
2003 – “KANIV – RAPAN”
2003 – “Baltic – Hel”
2002 – “Flash
2001 – “Indigo-Purring Cort”
2000 – “New York City”
2000 – “Flash”
1999 – “So good!”
1998 – “Shout on Plateaus”
1997 – “Dances on Colored Rope”
1997 – “Lighting Art and Painting Art”
Artist shop
Yermolenko Yurii
Number of products: 90
Paradise island II
Yurii Yermolenko (b. 1973)
Shop Yermolenko Yurii
Yurii Yermolenko
Yury Ermolenko – A Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Born in 1973 Kiev (Ukraine) Lives and works in Kiev.
1980 – 1992 – T. Shevchenko Republican art school, Kiev, Ukraine
1992 – 1998 – National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (NAFAA), Kiev, Ukraine
1998 – 2001 – Post-graduate education ( M.A.degree ), NAFAA, Kiev, Ukraine
2003 – Got a scholarship of Ministry of Culture of Poland ”GOUDE POLONIA”, Krakow, Poland
Main exhibitions:
2018 - "Garden of Wandering Geniuses" project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine.
2017 – 2018 – “MY FAVOURITE DOLLS” project, Tauvers Gallery international, Kiev, Ukraine
2017 – 2018 – “Flea Psychedelic Market” project, (Х.Л.А.М.), Kyiv, Ukraine
2016 – 2017 – In “Search of Dark Energy”, Vysehrad, Prague, Czech Republic; Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria.
2014 – 2015 – “Mу Favorite Dolls”, “Brothers in Arms”
2013 – “Facevinyl”
2013 – “Ukrainian Psychedel”, “Suitcases the Classics”
2013 – “Magical Garden”
2013 – “May be always be my mother, may there always be me”
2012 – “Conversion”
2012 – “Immigration to Cuba”
2011 – “Sings of Cuba”
2011 – “Ladies I didn`t get along with”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Zaporizhia”
2010 – “Metaphysical Landscape of Kaniv”
2010 – “A hedgehog jazz f**k”
2009 – “Eternal Values”
2009 – “Peruvian Toys”
2008 – “Death of Brands”
2007 – “Pink”
2007 – “Lolita’s on the Arena”
2007 – “Silicon”
2006 – “Paradise”
2006 – “Flea Market”
2005 – "Alice new!"
2005 – “Entomology of Souls”
2004 – "13. ICONOSTASIS"
2004 – “Hunting”
2003 – “KANIV – RAPAN”
2003 – “Baltic – Hel”
2002 – “Flash
2001 – “Indigo-Purring Cort”
2000 – “New York City”
2000 – “Flash”
1999 – “So good!”
1998 – “Shout on Plateaus”
1997 – “Dances on Colored Rope”
1997 – “Lighting Art and Painting Art”
Artist shop
Yermolenko Yurii
Number of products: 90
"Tessaraktikal threshold of generation"
Alexandre Ab (b. 1976)
Shop Ab Alexandre
Alexandre Ab
Александр, родился и вырос в России, окончив школу в 1998 году уехал в Европу, жил во Франции и учился в Университете прикладных наук Западной Швейцарии, после окончания работал в банковской системе Швейцарии. В 2011 году имел неосторожность разделить единицу на ноль в попытках создания нового образа банковских транзакций и этим получил философский дар атригуляции сущности вещей и фотонический кварк реализма бытия, что в итоге это вдохновило автора. Иногда автор видит модальности сущего и испытывает веселые галлюцинации они дают ему подсказки и помогают творить современное искусство.
Alexander, born and raised in Russia, after graduating from school in 1998, left for Europe, lived in France and studied at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, after graduation he worked in the Swiss banking system. In 2011, he had the imprudence to divide one by zero in an attempt to create a new image of banking transactions and thus received the philosophical gift of atrigulating the essence of things and the photonic quark of the realism of being, which ultimately inspired the author. Sometimes the author sees the modalities of existence and experiences funny hallucinations, they give him hints and help him create contemporary art.
Artist shop
Ab Alexandre
Number of products: 37
Paradoxical Feelings
Anastasia Terskih (b. 1996)
Shop Terskih Anastasia
Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery
Artist shop
Terskih Anastasia
Number of products: 39
Anastasia Terskih (b. 1996)
Shop Terskih Anastasia
Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery
Artist shop
Terskih Anastasia
Number of products: 39
Anastasia Terskih (b. 1996)
Shop Terskih Anastasia
Anastasia Terskih
'Vita brévis, ars lónga'
My name is Anastasia, I was born in Riga, Latvia in 1996.
I graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.
I am a professional artist. My specialty is a jeweler-restorer of items made of precious metals. (Jewelry).
I studied for 5 years, worked at the State Historical Museum, worked with historical values of the 11th - 19th centuries, recreated museum copies of jewelry kept in the museum. While studying in Moscow, I restored museum values of famous jewelry firms of the last century, such as Faberge, Ovichnnikov, Sazikov, Filaretov - court jeweler of Ivan the Terrible, one of the first jewelers mentioned in the annals, and others.
I am an industrial artist. I paint my paintings in different styles. I work in the genres of realism, impressionism - these are my two favorite styles, the style of realistic impressionism. You can also often see my work done in wet on wet technique or alla prima in impressionism style. Throughout my life, I have to paint in different styles and techniques, such as primitivism, art brut, cubism, abstract expressionism and other styles of modern conceptual art.
I also love to draw, I usually draw on paper with dry materials, some of my favorites are graphite and colored pencil, I also often combine materials such as ink and graphite.
I like to depict people, animals in my paintings and often paint still lifes, as well as paintings with nature and flowers.
Also, in addition to painting and drawing, I am engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, restoration of jewelry and the development of jewelry design.
Also visit my instagram: @a_terskih
My jewelry brand on instagram: @oxymoronjewelery
Artist shop
Terskih Anastasia
Number of products: 39
Lot 11068 Paradeuniform eines Obersts der Kaiserlich Japanischen Armee im Zweiten Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11154 Zweispitz, Paradeuniform, Epauletten und Gürtel des Marinefliegers Captain Murayama Toshimitsu, in zwei Koffern
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11022 Uniform der freiwilligen paramilitärischen Hilfsorganisation Lotta Svärd für Frauen im Zweiten Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11069 Paradeuniform eines Obersts der Luftwaffe der Kaiserlich Japanischen Armee im Zweiten Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11129 Paradekoppel und Schulterstücke für einen Vizeadmiral der Kaiserlich Japanischen Marine im Zweiten Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173