1052 Items by auctions and galleries:
en face
Red face
Elizaveta RAT (b. 2002)
Shop RAT Elizaveta

Elizaveta RAT
Hello! I am a young artist from St. Petersburg
My creativity is, first of all, an expression of myself, my thoughts, feelings, my mental state.
I would like to convey to this world my vision of the world, feelings of love, anger, and immeasurable happiness to be here and now, with you!
I feel sincere joy and pleasure when my work finds a response in someone else's heart and mind, besides mine!
So if it's you - I will be grateful for your understanding
The main theme in my work, for me, is the eyes.
They are so attractively beautiful and inexplicably beckon me. Every time I write them, I try to convey at least part of the beauty that is in them.

Artist shop
RAT Elizaveta
Number of products: 10
The Face. Not Found.
Nataliia Bahatska (b. 1967)
Shop Bahatska Nataliia

Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.

Artist shop
Bahatska Nataliia
Number of products: 231
Model of an English 100-gun ship in the water surface. Модель английского 100-пушечного корабля в водной поверхности.
Vitaliy Anakhin (b. 1967)
Shop Anakhin Vitaliy

Vitaliy Anakhin
I have been professionally engaged in modeling for more than 20 years. Specialization - models of sailing ships. Personally realized 23 projects of models of sailing ships. I build models on an individual order. First we discuss all the details of the project, then the model appears. Профессионально занимаюсь моделизмом более 20 лет. Специализация - модели парусных кораблей. Самостоятельно реализовал 23 проекта моделей парусных кораблей. Строю модели по индивидуальному заказу. Сначала мы обсуждаем все детали проекта, потом появляется модель.

Artist shop
Anakhin Vitaliy
Number of products: 3
We are watching you since Beginning. part 1of 7.
Grzegorz Olszewski (b. 1968)
Shop Olszewski Grzegorz

Grzegorz Olszewski
Photographer of unknown, never-seen kind of V.Ancient Art - until present times.
By my photos, will show Oldest form of Unnamed Art, Mystery, Message - regarding Humankind History, Evolution, Identity.
All my photos presents - Real, Existing, Natural and Original form of transferrence from our "Ancestors" which is "described" UNDER surface of the Ancient stones.
Faces and objects under of their surfaces are not made by Human's hands, and were toutched only by me.
Soon, I'll change attached photos for official, better quality and professional versions of my works
Hope you will be satisfied..
With Best Regards
Grzegorz Olszewski

Artist shop
Olszewski Grzegorz
Number of products: 6
the face of war
Dima Tsutskiridze (b. 1954)
Shop Tsutskiridze Dima

Dima Tsutskiridze
Born in Tbilisi,in the family of artists.
1980-enrolled in Tbilisi Academy of Fine Arts. I studied at the Faculty of applied art,
the department of glass and ceramics.
1985-graduated with the diploma of the studio of Monumental Ceramics.
For my entire life, I have been trying to express myself in art using a variety of media.
For several years now I have been working in digital format.

Artist shop
Tsutskiridze Dima
Number of products: 9
HAO PALEFACE [ Привет, бледнолицые] .
Maxim Dudkin (b. 1982)
Shop Dudkin Maxim

Maxim Dudkin
В 2006 г. Создал с товарищами Объединение Практикующих Архитекторов (ОПА) «кромбиТТраксорм», летом того же года организовали фестиваль, альтернативный «Дню города» в Тверицах, г Ярославль.
В 2007 окончил ЯГТУ, работал в реставрации.
В 2008 уехал на Карельский перешеек, работал архитектором в Санкт-Петербурге, Выборге, Приозерске, параллельно участвуя в различных арт-проектах. Был придворным архитектором в крепости Карела г Приозерска, реконструировал старый Арсенал XV века под выставочный зал.
В 2010г вернулся в Ярославль, основал ЯСАМ (Ярославский Союз Архитекторской Молодёжи), организовал парк инсталляций на фестивале музыки и развлечений «Доброфест»
В 2011г основал собственный проект «MADYAR»
В 2012г основал группу «SKUNSTVO»
Живет и работает в центральной части России.
Принцып работы Ad-hoc («по-месту»), каждый объект собирается из местных, отживших своё материалов и функционирует в зависимости от поставленной задачи. С помощью знаков и совпадений идёт интуитивное упорядочение хаоса, образуя увлекательный образ, вызывающий самые разные ассоциации, заставляющий задуматься о новых смыслах и других изнанках нашей жизни. Характеризует свою деятельность на данном этапе, как «Бытовой Тингелизм».

Artist shop
Dudkin Maxim
Number of products: 6
"Barba non facit philosophum"
Ihor Pogrebnyak (b. 1958)
Shop Pogrebnyak Ihor

Ihor Pogrebnyak
1990 р. — групова виставка в м. Жешув, Польща (сценографія,
театральна скульптура, живопис); індивідуальна виставка в Будинку актора,
М.Львів (сценографія, живопис).
1991 р. — групова виставка в м. Краків, Польща
(живопис); індивідуальна виставка в Будинку актора, м.Львів (сценографія,
театральний костюм, живопис).
1992 р.- персональні "Ноїв ковчег", "Час козла" у Будинку актора (живопис)
та виставка - акція "Сарrа Sаріепs" в Природознавчому музеї м. Львова (живопис) разом зі Стасом Горским.
1994 р.-виставка-акція "Ноїв ковчег" у Київському Будинку актора під час міні-фестивалю від Сергія Проскурні.
1999 р. – „Міфи віддавна до недавна”, Музей релігії, Львів.
2009 р. – „Жінки, птахи і звірі”, Музей Ідей, Львів.
2010 р. – «Несення Хреста та декілька думок без чіткого приводу». Галерея «Яровіт»
2010 р. – «Несення Хреста та декілька думок без чіткого приводу».Київ, музей Михайла Старицького.
2011 р. - "Сучасні казки центральноєвропейського мегаполісу в добу розвитого постсовкового капіталізму" - галерея "Яровіт", Львів.
2011 р. - "Міфологія постсовкового капіталізму" Музей Михайла Старицького. Київ.
2013 р. - "?Ангел. Розмова з дзеркалом" Київ, Музей Михайла Старицького.
2019 р. - «We are animals !і ТИ також!», Львів, музей Франка.

Artist shop
Pogrebnyak Ihor
Number of products: 3
"We are watching you since Beginnings" part 2 of 7.
Grzegorz Olszewski (b. 1968)
Shop Olszewski Grzegorz

Grzegorz Olszewski
Photographer of unknown, never-seen kind of V.Ancient Art - until present times.
By my photos, will show Oldest form of Unnamed Art, Mystery, Message - regarding Humankind History, Evolution, Identity.
All my photos presents - Real, Existing, Natural and Original form of transferrence from our "Ancestors" which is "described" UNDER surface of the Ancient stones.
Faces and objects under of their surfaces are not made by Human's hands, and were toutched only by me.
Soon, I'll change attached photos for official, better quality and professional versions of my works
Hope you will be satisfied..
With Best Regards
Grzegorz Olszewski

Artist shop
Olszewski Grzegorz
Number of products: 6
Grzegorz Olszewski (b. 1968)
Shop Olszewski Grzegorz

Grzegorz Olszewski
Photographer of unknown, never-seen kind of V.Ancient Art - until present times.
By my photos, will show Oldest form of Unnamed Art, Mystery, Message - regarding Humankind History, Evolution, Identity.
All my photos presents - Real, Existing, Natural and Original form of transferrence from our "Ancestors" which is "described" UNDER surface of the Ancient stones.
Faces and objects under of their surfaces are not made by Human's hands, and were toutched only by me.
Soon, I'll change attached photos for official, better quality and professional versions of my works
Hope you will be satisfied..
With Best Regards
Grzegorz Olszewski

Artist shop
Olszewski Grzegorz
Number of products: 6
We are watching you since Beginnings
Grzegorz Olszewski (b. 1968)
Shop Olszewski Grzegorz

Grzegorz Olszewski
Photographer of unknown, never-seen kind of V.Ancient Art - until present times.
By my photos, will show Oldest form of Unnamed Art, Mystery, Message - regarding Humankind History, Evolution, Identity.
All my photos presents - Real, Existing, Natural and Original form of transferrence from our "Ancestors" which is "described" UNDER surface of the Ancient stones.
Faces and objects under of their surfaces are not made by Human's hands, and were toutched only by me.
Soon, I'll change attached photos for official, better quality and professional versions of my works
Hope you will be satisfied..
With Best Regards
Grzegorz Olszewski

Artist shop
Olszewski Grzegorz
Number of products: 6
We are watching you since Beginnings
Grzegorz Olszewski (b. 1968)
Shop Olszewski Grzegorz

Grzegorz Olszewski
Photographer of unknown, never-seen kind of V.Ancient Art - until present times.
By my photos, will show Oldest form of Unnamed Art, Mystery, Message - regarding Humankind History, Evolution, Identity.
All my photos presents - Real, Existing, Natural and Original form of transferrence from our "Ancestors" which is "described" UNDER surface of the Ancient stones.
Faces and objects under of their surfaces are not made by Human's hands, and were toutched only by me.
Soon, I'll change attached photos for official, better quality and professional versions of my works
Hope you will be satisfied..
With Best Regards
Grzegorz Olszewski

Artist shop
Olszewski Grzegorz
Number of products: 6
OCEAN BREEZE textural acrylic abstraction
Mary Romanova (b. 1986)
Shop Romanova Mary

Mary Romanova
My name is Mary Romanova, I’m an Artist from Russia. I was born on May 17, 1986. As a child, I drew always and everywhere, on any surface - at home on tables, wallpaper, doors, in the entrance on the walls, even on the ceiling! I've always liked big sizes, bright colors, and bold images.
In 2003, I successfully graduated from College with a degree in design and from the Fine Arts School in Izhevsk. I continued to improve, get new knowledge and skills. So with honors, I graduated from the state Academy of Culture and Arts in Samara in 2008.
In 2009, I successfully graduated from Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University, Department of Transcultural Communications.
I specialize in interior art, working in various techniques via modern trends, exploring materials possibilities, and different approaches to painting.
I represent the most daring and relevant solutions for decorating your home walls. Abstract paintings are universal, and this is their main advantage over other styles. A large degree of artistic freedom and the absence of stylistic frames allows my artwork to fit into any interior. I prefer to work with acrylic and texture paste.
I sincerely believe that the need for beauty and creativity that embodies it, the ability to find the unusual in everyday life is the essence of human nature, the secret of harmony, and the emotional balance of the individual. In my artworks, I share how I see our world. Here I can allow myself to be completely honest.
I’m inspired by beautiful sunsets, the azure sea, travel to new lands, and of course my lovely family. Fitness gives me power and energy.
I opened an Art Studio "MARY ART ROOM" in the summer of 2019. My paintings adorn the home interiors of collectors around the world, create a pleasant atmosphere in company offices, place bright accents in the halls of cafes and restaurants, and are part of hotels interior decor.
Welcome to my world! A world where dreams become reality on canvas!

Artist shop
Romanova Mary
Number of products: 10
Vague memories - Смутные воспоминания
Rashid Bakirov (b. 1959)
Shop Bakirov Rashid

Rashid Bakirov
Скульптор, дизайнер и технолог изготовления стеклянной скульптуры путём выдувания в форму. Автор технологии изготовления керамических графитовых форм для горячего формования стекла.

Artist shop
Bakirov Rashid
Number of products: 13