772 Items by auctions and galleries:
Zaporizhia, View from the office window
Ivan Ormanzhi (b. 1976)
Shop Ormanzhi Ivan

Ivan Ormanzhi
I'm not professional artist, because I ern money by another profession. I'm a web developer from Ukraine, but painting time after time all of my life. For fun, for my games and for my web sites. I'm happy when I paint and I see that many people like my artworks. It's a good reason not to stop.
I didn't graduate any Art School... Yes, It's not a reason to pride, but in our time, with the Internet we can study everything at home. It doesn't matter what do you do... but it matters that you do it with love.

Artist shop
Ormanzhi Ivan
Number of products: 32
Parrots. Oil painting for home or office
Ekaterina Zhuchenko RedHeadKat (b. 1979)
Shop Zhuchenko RedHeadKat Ekaterina

Ekaterina Zhuchenko RedHeadKat
My name is Ekaterina Zhuchenko, creative pseudonym RedHeadKat.
I have been an artist from an early age. Dad's sketchbook was the greatest treasure. Then I had not dreamed of writing yet
oil. A large set of watercolors in a white plastic box was often secretly taken from the shelf for my
naive art. The thick squirrel brush gave an unforgettable tactile sensation.
But I was able to forget about it "becoming an adult".
I am grateful to the people who helped me return everything. At some point, I realized that I couldn’t stop it. The same set of watercolors, already replenished with new shades. It
became my frequent joy. And oil painting is my discovery and a way to restore connection with my family and father.
1996-1999: Minsk Technological College. Fashion designer with a course in painting and acaemic drawing, in-depth study of fashion illustration
2020 to the present day: studying painting in the Graphics studio, Minsk
2021 course of painting with a palette knife at the St. Petersburg School of Oil Painting
Меня зовут Жученко Екатерина, творческий псевдоним RedHeadKat
Я была художником с малых лет. Папин этюдник был самой большой сокровищницей, хоть я тогда и не мечтала писать маслом. Большой набор акварельных красок в белой пласт-
ковой коробке часто в тайне был взят с полки для моего наивного детского искусства, а толстая кисть-белка дарила незабываемые тактильные ощущения.
Но я смогла забыть об этом "став взрослой".
Я благодарна людям, которые помогли мне всё вернуть. В какой-то момент я поняла, что не писть я уже не смогу. Тот самый набор акварели, уже пополненный новыми оттенками, стал моей частой радостью. А живопись маслом — моим способом восстановления связи с родом и отцом.

Artist shop
Zhuchenko RedHeadKat Ekaterina
Number of products: 21
Office man
Natalia Didenko (b. 1977)
Shop Didenko Natalia

Natalia Didenko
Natalia Didenko, born in 1977 (Kyiv, Ukraine).
I work in genres: vytynanka (paper cut), easel and book graphics, sculpture, easel painting.
National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU, KPI), specialty graphic artist.
2020 - victory in the open-air "Art Alley", an art object (Kyiv, Ukraine). The sculpture is installed on the Borys Hrinchenko street in Kyiv.
2017 - 3rd International DEC Art Residence (Ukraine, village Myhovo, Chernivtsi region). Author's project "New life of old things".
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Personal exhibitions:
2017 - "Masquerade of mannequins. Exit the body ", art objects. Ukraine, Kyiv, Kvadrat shopping mall.
Group exhibitions:
2019 - Fourth Triennial of Book Graphics. Ukraine, Kyiv, House of the Artist.
2019 - "Art Professional", March-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Cuba, Canada, Germany.
2019 - "Art Professional", June-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Canada.
2018 - "A4, ballpoint pen". Kyiv, Karas Gallery.
2017 - "Autumn Witch", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Travels Mimimichel", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Magic of Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2015 - "Picturesque Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2013 - "New Year's Travels", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv

Artist shop
Didenko Natalia
Number of products: 42
Lot 11003 Wintermütze, Kopfhaube und Mantel mit Schneetarnüberzug eines Offiziersanwärters
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg 

Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11030 Schirmmütze für einen Unteroffizier der Kaiserlich Japanischen Marine
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg 

Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11036 Schirmmütze für einen Arzt im Offiziersrang der Kaiserlich Japanischen Marine
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg 

Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11037 Schirmmütze und Album eines Ingenieuroffiziers der Kaiserlichen Japanischen Marine
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg 

Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11045 Fliegerhaube eines Offiziers mit Fotos und Pistolentasche, Zweiter Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg 

Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11062 Uniform- und Ausrüstungsensemble eines Offiziers im Zweiten Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg 

Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173