21 Items by auctions and galleries:
Andrej Losovoj (b. 1963)
Shop Losovoj Andrej
Andrej Losovoj
Andrej Losovoj (Andrey Lozovoy) is a master of avant-garde art. His paintings are monuments of Expressionism and unique. He was born in 1963 in the city of Kiev. He graduated from the College of Polygraphy as a graphic artist and illustrator. He later worked as a designer and graphic artist. Various exhibitions in Europe and leading museums (Kiev, St.Petesburg, Moscow, cities of Germany). He works at the university and runs his own painting workshop in Kiev.
The price development of his plants will grow enormously in the coming years.
Artist shop
Losovoj Andrej
Number of products: 7
Offering a Quadro-Metaphysical Pear
Andrej Losovoj (b. 1963)
Shop Losovoj Andrej
Andrej Losovoj
Andrej Losovoj (Andrey Lozovoy) is a master of avant-garde art. His paintings are monuments of Expressionism and unique. He was born in 1963 in the city of Kiev. He graduated from the College of Polygraphy as a graphic artist and illustrator. He later worked as a designer and graphic artist. Various exhibitions in Europe and leading museums (Kiev, St.Petesburg, Moscow, cities of Germany). He works at the university and runs his own painting workshop in Kiev.
The price development of his plants will grow enormously in the coming years.
Artist shop
Losovoj Andrej
Number of products: 7
Andrej Losovoj (b. 1963)
Shop Losovoj Andrej
Andrej Losovoj
Andrej Losovoj (Andrey Lozovoy) is a master of avant-garde art. His paintings are monuments of Expressionism and unique. He was born in 1963 in the city of Kiev. He graduated from the College of Polygraphy as a graphic artist and illustrator. He later worked as a designer and graphic artist. Various exhibitions in Europe and leading museums (Kiev, St.Petesburg, Moscow, cities of Germany). He works at the university and runs his own painting workshop in Kiev.
The price development of his plants will grow enormously in the coming years.
Artist shop
Losovoj Andrej
Number of products: 7
По мотиву И.К.Айвазовского, "Пейзаж, с видом на Монако".
Jelena Lebedeva-Dvorecka (b. 1977)
Shop Lebedeva-Dvorecka Jelena
Jelena Lebedeva-Dvorecka
Я не являюсь профессиональным художником.
Рисовать - это мое маленькое хобби, которому посвещаю свое свободное время.
А насколько хорошо, или не очень, это у меня получается - судить только Вам, уважаемые зрители.
С Уважением,
Artist shop
Lebedeva-Dvorecka Jelena
Number of products: 39
Thursday, Afternoon
Andrej Losovoj (b. 1963)
Shop Losovoj Andrej
Andrej Losovoj
Andrej Losovoj (Andrey Lozovoy) is a master of avant-garde art. His paintings are monuments of Expressionism and unique. He was born in 1963 in the city of Kiev. He graduated from the College of Polygraphy as a graphic artist and illustrator. He later worked as a designer and graphic artist. Various exhibitions in Europe and leading museums (Kiev, St.Petesburg, Moscow, cities of Germany). He works at the university and runs his own painting workshop in Kiev.
The price development of his plants will grow enormously in the coming years.
Artist shop
Losovoj Andrej
Number of products: 7
триптих деисис (предстояние)
Aleksei Zagorskij (b. 1953)
Shop Zagorskij Aleksei
Aleksei Zagorskij
Все мозаики соавторские, мои и Ирины Клиновой.
Закончили "Строгановку", я - реставрацию, Ира - интерьер, вместе вступили в союз художников (ТСХР ), мозаики в Оружейной палате Московского Кремля, в музее "Самоцветы" в Москве, в Ватикане, в частных собраниях Литвы, России. Судьбу многих мозаик я не знаю и где они живут теперь сказать не смогу, даже фотографий нет. Монументальные мозаики в Лавре, Сергиев Посад, и Серафимо-Дивеевском монастыре.
1987 - 17-я молодежная, в соавторстве с Генадием Проваторовым, Москва, Россия;
1991 - частная галерея, Москва, Россия;
1992 - "Весенняя" на Малой Грузинской, Москва, Россия;
1992 - "Храмы России", Дом дружбы народов, Москва, Россия;
1995 - во Всероссийском музее декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства, Москва, Россия;
1996 - в Центральном доме работников искусств, Москва, Россия;
1998 - в музее им.Вернадского РАН, Москва, Россия;
2003 - в музее им.Вернадского РАН, Москва, Россия;
2006 - в музее им.Вернадского РАН, Москва, Россия;центр, Москва, Россия; 2007 -"золотой Глобус"
2008 - "Золотой Глобус", 1 место, Москва, Россия;
2008 - "Традиции и современность", частный выставочный центр, Москва, Россия;
2009 - "Золотой Глобус", 2 место, Москва, Россия;
2010 - "Золотой Глобус", Москва, Россия 2014 -выставочный зал Тушино, Москва 2016 - выставочный зал Тушино Москва 2017 - выставочный зал Тушино Москва
2018 - выставочный зал Тушино Москва
Artist shop
Zagorskij Aleksei
Number of products: 4