501 Items by auctions and galleries:
Eastern #3
Natalia Didenko (b. 1977)
Shop Didenko Natalia
Natalia Didenko
Natalia Didenko, born in 1977 (Kyiv, Ukraine).
I work in genres: vytynanka (paper cut), easel and book graphics, sculpture, easel painting.
National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU, KPI), specialty graphic artist.
2020 - victory in the open-air "Art Alley", an art object (Kyiv, Ukraine). The sculpture is installed on the Borys Hrinchenko street in Kyiv.
2017 - 3rd International DEC Art Residence (Ukraine, village Myhovo, Chernivtsi region). Author's project "New life of old things".
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Personal exhibitions:
2017 - "Masquerade of mannequins. Exit the body ", art objects. Ukraine, Kyiv, Kvadrat shopping mall.
Group exhibitions:
2019 - Fourth Triennial of Book Graphics. Ukraine, Kyiv, House of the Artist.
2019 - "Art Professional", March-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Cuba, Canada, Germany.
2019 - "Art Professional", June-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Canada.
2018 - "A4, ballpoint pen". Kyiv, Karas Gallery.
2017 - "Autumn Witch", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Travels Mimimichel", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Magic of Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2015 - "Picturesque Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2013 - "New Year's Travels", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv
Artist shop
Didenko Natalia
Number of products: 42
Eastern #2
Natalia Didenko (b. 1977)
Shop Didenko Natalia
Natalia Didenko
Natalia Didenko, born in 1977 (Kyiv, Ukraine).
I work in genres: vytynanka (paper cut), easel and book graphics, sculpture, easel painting.
National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU, KPI), specialty graphic artist.
2020 - victory in the open-air "Art Alley", an art object (Kyiv, Ukraine). The sculpture is installed on the Borys Hrinchenko street in Kyiv.
2017 - 3rd International DEC Art Residence (Ukraine, village Myhovo, Chernivtsi region). Author's project "New life of old things".
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Personal exhibitions:
2017 - "Masquerade of mannequins. Exit the body ", art objects. Ukraine, Kyiv, Kvadrat shopping mall.
Group exhibitions:
2019 - Fourth Triennial of Book Graphics. Ukraine, Kyiv, House of the Artist.
2019 - "Art Professional", March-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Cuba, Canada, Germany.
2019 - "Art Professional", June-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Canada.
2018 - "A4, ballpoint pen". Kyiv, Karas Gallery.
2017 - "Autumn Witch", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Travels Mimimichel", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Magic of Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2015 - "Picturesque Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2013 - "New Year's Travels", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv
Artist shop
Didenko Natalia
Number of products: 42
Eastern #1
Natalia Didenko (b. 1977)
Shop Didenko Natalia
Natalia Didenko
Natalia Didenko, born in 1977 (Kyiv, Ukraine).
I work in genres: vytynanka (paper cut), easel and book graphics, sculpture, easel painting.
National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU, KPI), specialty graphic artist.
2020 - victory in the open-air "Art Alley", an art object (Kyiv, Ukraine). The sculpture is installed on the Borys Hrinchenko street in Kyiv.
2017 - 3rd International DEC Art Residence (Ukraine, village Myhovo, Chernivtsi region). Author's project "New life of old things".
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Personal exhibitions:
2017 - "Masquerade of mannequins. Exit the body ", art objects. Ukraine, Kyiv, Kvadrat shopping mall.
Group exhibitions:
2019 - Fourth Triennial of Book Graphics. Ukraine, Kyiv, House of the Artist.
2019 - "Art Professional", March-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Cuba, Canada, Germany.
2019 - "Art Professional", June-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Canada.
2018 - "A4, ballpoint pen". Kyiv, Karas Gallery.
2017 - "Autumn Witch", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Travels Mimimichel", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Magic of Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2015 - "Picturesque Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2013 - "New Year's Travels", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv
Artist shop
Didenko Natalia
Number of products: 42
Die drei Schwestern
Christine Jost (b. 1963)
Shop Jost Christine
Christine Jost
Ich bin bildende Künstlerin und Mitgründerin der Kunstakademie Rheinland e. V
Künstlerbund Rheinland
Künstlergruppe Pellenz
Kunstakademie Rheinland e. V.
Ausstellungen Ausstellungsbeteiligung bei o.g.
Künstlergruppen im In- und Ausland, z. B. in Antwerpen, Bonn, Andernach, Koblenz,
St.-Amand-les-Eaux, Farnham
Europäische Vereinigung Bildender Künstler (EVBK), Prüm
Werke befinden sich im öffentlichen und privaten Besitz.
Meine Bilder sind keine Abbildungen bestimmter Dinge, sondern selbständige, aus der Fantasie beflügelte Linien, Collagen, Flächen und Farben.
Künstlerische Freiheit ist eine persönliche Voraussetzung, gebunden mit der Beherrschung des Handwerks sowie harte Arbeitsdisziplin und Lenkung der Fantasie durch die Formkraft des Geistes.
Artist shop
Jost Christine
Number of products: 4
Восточный натюрморт Eastern still life
Constantin Pavlov (b. 1957)
Shop Pavlov Constantin
Constantin Pavlov
Получил студийное художественное образование (1989-1991гг) в творческой мастерской заслуженного художника Узбекистана Якова Львовича Фрумгарца (г.Ташкент). Ныне проживаю в городе Минск (Беларусь).
Artist shop
Pavlov Constantin
Number of products: 6
Eastern store
Natalie Kacharava (b. 1977)
Shop Kacharava Natalie
Natalie Kacharava
Училась в ВАЖВИЗЕ в Москве в 1994-1995. Окончила Тбилисскую Государственную Академию Художеств 1995-2000. Монументальная декоративная живопись. Работает в акварели и в масле.
Artist shop
Kacharava Natalie
Number of products: 11
"Восточный птичий рынок " "Birds in the Eastern market."
Natalie Kacharava (b. 1977)
Shop Kacharava Natalie
Natalie Kacharava
Училась в ВАЖВИЗЕ в Москве в 1994-1995. Окончила Тбилисскую Государственную Академию Художеств 1995-2000. Монументальная декоративная живопись. Работает в акварели и в масле.
Artist shop
Kacharava Natalie
Number of products: 11
Lot 523 Conrad Felixmüller. Carl Sternheim, 1925. Max Liebermann, 1926. Christian Rohlfs, 1927
Conrad Felixmüller (1897 - 1977)
A415: Dezember-Auktion
Conrad Felixmüller
21.05.1897 - 24.03.1977
Conrad Felixmüller was a twentieth-century German artist, born Conrad Felix Müller. He is known as a painter, graphic artist, illustrator and printmaker, a representative of the New Materiality movement, who worked in the Expressionist style.
Felixmüller created about 2,500 paintings and graphic drawings, the main motif of which was the human being. The artist considered himself a socially critical expressionist, and his works reflected scenes from everyday life. In the 1930s, many of his works were confiscated by the Nazis as examples of degenerate art and destroyed. As a result of the bombing of Berlin in 1944, Felixmüller lost much of his work.
Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
A415: Dezember-Auktion
Date: 04.12.2024 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 514
Eastern #4
Natalia Didenko (b. 1977)
Shop Didenko Natalia
Natalia Didenko
Natalia Didenko, born in 1977 (Kyiv, Ukraine).
I work in genres: vytynanka (paper cut), easel and book graphics, sculpture, easel painting.
National Technical University of Ukraine (NTUU, KPI), specialty graphic artist.
2020 - victory in the open-air "Art Alley", an art object (Kyiv, Ukraine). The sculpture is installed on the Borys Hrinchenko street in Kyiv.
2017 - 3rd International DEC Art Residence (Ukraine, village Myhovo, Chernivtsi region). Author's project "New life of old things".
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Personal exhibitions:
2017 - "Masquerade of mannequins. Exit the body ", art objects. Ukraine, Kyiv, Kvadrat shopping mall.
Group exhibitions:
2019 - Fourth Triennial of Book Graphics. Ukraine, Kyiv, House of the Artist.
2019 - "Art Professional", March-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Cuba, Canada, Germany.
2019 - "Art Professional", June-September 2019. Ukraine, USA, Mexico, Canada.
2018 - "A4, ballpoint pen". Kyiv, Karas Gallery.
2017 - "Autumn Witch", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Travels Mimimichel", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2016 - "Magic of Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2015 - "Picturesque Winter", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv.
2013 - "New Year's Travels", publishing house "KM-Books". Ukraine, Kyiv
Artist shop
Didenko Natalia
Number of products: 42
Lot 11062 Uniform- und Ausrüstungsensemble eines Offiziers im Zweiten Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11063 Große Uniformgruppe eines hohen Offiziers der Kaiserlich Japanischen Streitkräfte
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11049 Seltener Stahlhelm Typ 90 der Kempetai-Militärpolizei im 2. Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11050 Stahlhelm Typ 90 der Kaiserlich Japanischen Armee, Zweiter Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11137 Komplette Fliegeruniform und Flaggen eines Kadetten, 1. Hälfte 20. Jhdt.
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11051 Stahlhelm Typ 90 und Effektengruppe eines japanischen Offiziers im Zweiten Weltkrieg
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173
Lot 11058 Große Uniform- und Ausrüstungsgruppe eines Leutnants des 1. Infanterie-Regiments der Kaiserlichen Armee, 1930er/40er Jahre
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Hermann Historica
A103: Sammlung finnischer und japanischer Uniformen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg
Date: 06.12.2024 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 173