8 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 13 Цветаева, М.И. Волшебный фонарь: Вторая книга стихов / Марина Цветаева.
Auction 16-1. Rare books, inscriptions, manuscripts, photographs, postcards, graphics and sculpture of the 17th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 16-1. Rare books, inscriptions, manuscripts, photographs, postcards, graphics and sculpture of the 17th-20th centuries.
Date: 31.07.2021 16:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 182
Lot 54 Погорельский, А. Черная курица, или Подземные жители: Волшебная повесть для детей / Антоний Погорельский; худож. В. Пивоваров.
Auction 16-3. Rare books, inscripts, arts and crafts and graphics of the 18th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 16-3. Rare books, inscripts, arts and crafts and graphics of the 18th-20th centuries.
Date: 31.07.2021 20:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 198
Lot 17 Пушкин, А.С. Руслан и Людмила: Поэма / А.С. Пушкин; [обл. и ил. худож. Б. М. Кустодиева].
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Date: 25.12.2021 17:15 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 195