дьёрдь йованович (1939)

György Jovánovics was a Hungarian contemporary sculptor and recipient of the Kossuth Prize. He is one of the significant figures of the neo-avant-garde artists associated with the Ipárterv group.

György Jovánovics was a Hungarian contemporary sculptor and recipient of the Kossuth Prize. He is one of the significant figures of the neo-avant-garde artists associated with the Ipárterv group.

György Jovánovics was a Hungarian contemporary sculptor and recipient of the Kossuth Prize. He is one of the significant figures of the neo-avant-garde artists associated with the Ipárterv group.

György Jovánovics was a Hungarian contemporary sculptor and recipient of the Kossuth Prize. He is one of the significant figures of the neo-avant-garde artists associated with the Ipárterv group.