5301 Items by auctions and galleries:
картины и акварели
Lot 30 Яремич, С.П. Михаил Александрович Врубель: Жизнь и творчество / [С предисл. И. Грабаря]; С. Яремич.
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Date: 27.11.2021 16:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 151
Lot 31 Койранский, А.Л. К.Ф. Юон / Александр Койранский; Предисл.: Г. Лукомский.
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Date: 25.12.2021 17:15 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 195