18 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 6 Синайский, И.Ф. Греческо-русский словарь: в 2 ч. / Сост. Иваном Синайским — 3-е изд., соверш. передел. и значительно доп.
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Date: 27.11.2021 16:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 151
Lot 28 Жебелев, С.А., Мальмберг, В.К. Три архаических бронзы из Херсонской губернии.
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Date: 27.11.2021 16:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 151
Lot 53 Чертков, В.Г. Римский мудрец Эпиктет: Его жизнь и учение. — Новое испр. и доп. изд.
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Date: 27.11.2021 16:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 151
Lot 59 Трубецкой, С.Н. Курс истории древней философии: [в 2 ч.] / Кн. С.Н. Трубецкой. — 2-е изд.
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 17-1. Rare books, inscripts, manuscripts and photographs of the 17th-20th centuries.
Date: 27.11.2021 16:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 151
Lot 26 Бенуа-Попова, Е.А. Эскиз «Детский парк». 1919. Бумага, гуашь. 31х44 см.
Auction 18-1. Painting, graphics, arts and crafts of the 18th — 21st centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 18-1. Painting, graphics, arts and crafts of the 18th — 21st centuries.
Date: 29.11.2021 19:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 160
Lot 7 Вейсман, А.Д. Греческо-русский словарь, составленный А.Д. Вейсманом, экстраординарным профессором Императорского С.-Петербургского историко-филологического института. — 3-е изд.
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Date: 25.12.2021 17:15 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 195
Lot 88 Творения Платона / Пер. с греч. [и предисл.] Владимира Соловьева: [в 2 т.].
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Date: 25.12.2021 17:15 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 195
Lot 102 Димитрий Ростовский, еп. (Туптало, Д.С.). Розыск о раскольнической брынской вере, о учении их, о делах их, и изъявление, яко вера их неправа, учение их душевредно и дела их не богоугодна / [Архиерей Димитрий].
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Auction 19. Rare books, inscriptions, paintings and drawings of the 18th-20th centuries.
Date: 25.12.2021 17:15 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 195
Lot 2 Плутарх. Плутарховы сравнительные жизнеописания славных мужей: [в 13 ч.] / Пер. с греческого Спиридон Дестунис; с историч. и критич. примеч., с геогр. картами и изображениями славных мужей.
Аукцион 24. Торжество русской литературы
Аукционный дом «Жар-Птица»
Аукцион 24. Торжество русской литературы
Date: 12.10.2024 18:00 UTC +03:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 252
Lot 25 PIETRO NEGRI (VENICE 1628-1679)
Pietro Negri (1628 - 1679)
Remastered: Old Masters from the Collection of J.E. Safra
Pietro Negri
1628 - 31.05.1679
Pietro Negri was an Italian painter who belonged to the Baroque "tenebrosi" movement.
Many of Negri's paintings have a somber character and convey a general mood of drama, which is emphasized by contrasting effects of light and shadow. This style is characteristic of Caravaggio and his followers. Negri painted allegories in the style of vanitas, scenes on mythological and religious themes, as well as domestic genre scenes.
Remastered: Old Masters from the Collection of J.E. Safra
Date: 25.01.2023 10:00 UTC -05:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 76
Lot 15 Antonio Negretti
Antonio Negretti (1510 - 1575)
A499: Fine Art
Antonio Negretti
1510 - 1575
Antonio Negretti was a 16th-century Italian painter, also known as Antonio Palma.
Antonio Negretti was the father of the Venetian painter and printmaker Jacopo Palma the Younger.
Negretti produced paintings of historical and religious content.
VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A499: Fine Art
Date: 15.05.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 307