3 Items by auctions and galleries:
rahmen (60 x 69cm)
Lot 1383 Wonder Woman
Melvin John Ramos (1935 - 2018)
A442. Discoveries 

Melvin John Ramos
24.07.1935 - 14.10.2018
Melvin John Ramos was an American figurative painter, specializing most often in paintings of female nudes, whose work incorporates elements of realist and abstract art.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A442. Discoveries
Date: 04.12.2019 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 616
Lot 1382 Chiquita
Melvin John Ramos (1935 - 2018)
A442. Discoveries 

Melvin John Ramos
24.07.1935 - 14.10.2018
Melvin John Ramos was an American figurative painter, specializing most often in paintings of female nudes, whose work incorporates elements of realist and abstract art.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A442. Discoveries
Date: 04.12.2019 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 616
Lot 629 Mel Ramos. Six Girls (Chiquita, Wonder Woman, The Pause That Refreshes, Gardol Gertie, The Princess, Aqua Girl)
Melvin John Ramos (1935 - 2018)
Modern, Post War & Contemporary 

Melvin John Ramos
24.07.1935 - 14.10.2018
Melvin John Ramos was an American figurative painter, specializing most often in paintings of female nudes, whose work incorporates elements of realist and abstract art.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
Modern, Post War & Contemporary
Date: 05.06.2024 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 415