674 Items by auctions and galleries:
österreich und deutschland
Lot 9063 Gruppe von 16 Auszeichnungen, Österreich, Ungarn, Deutschland, 1. Hälfte 20. Jahrhundert
O88: International medals & military historical collectibles 

Hermann Historica
O88: International medals & military historical collectibles
Date: 24.06.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 603
Lot 567 Walter Dahn. Zehen im Mund
Walter Dahn (1954)
Modern, Post War & Contemporary 

Walter Dahn
Walter Dahn is a German Neue Wilde artist who lives and works in Cologne.
Walter Dahn's work includes works of various media: photographs, drawings, logos, paintings, collages, stencil printing, installations and videos.
In addition to visual art, Dahn also works in music.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
Modern, Post War & Contemporary
Date: 05.06.2024 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 415
Lot 486 Sammlung von Trachtenschmuck, Österreich und Süddeutschland, 19. Jahrhundert
Munich private collection, handicrafts, antiques and jewelry 

Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
Munich private collection, handicrafts, antiques and jewelry
Date: 14.04.2021 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 495
Lot 18 Tina Blau (1845 Wien - 1937 ebenda)
Tina Blau (1845 - 1916)
Moderne & Zeitgenössische Kunst 

Tina Blau
15.11.1845 - 31.10.1916
Tina Blau (later Tina Blau-Lang) was an Austrian landscape painter.
Her husband was Heinrich Lang, a painter who specialized in images of horses and battle scenes.

WETTMANN | Auktionshaus an der Ruhr
Moderne & Zeitgenössische Kunst
Date: 27.05.2023 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 128