абрахам даниельсон хондиус (1625 - 1691)

Abraham Hondius or Abraham Danielsz. Hondius or Abraham de Hondt was a Dutch painter of the Golden Age. He is known for his paintings of landscapes, hunting scenes, military genre scenes, religious scenes and portraits.

Abraham Hondius or Abraham Danielsz. Hondius or Abraham de Hondt was a Dutch painter of the Golden Age. He is known for his paintings of landscapes, hunting scenes, military genre scenes, religious scenes and portraits.

Abraham Hondius or Abraham Danielsz. Hondius or Abraham de Hondt was a Dutch painter of the Golden Age. He is known for his paintings of landscapes, hunting scenes, military genre scenes, religious scenes and portraits.

Abraham Hondius or Abraham Danielsz. Hondius or Abraham de Hondt was a Dutch painter of the Golden Age. He is known for his paintings of landscapes, hunting scenes, military genre scenes, religious scenes and portraits.

Abraham Hondius or Abraham Danielsz. Hondius or Abraham de Hondt was a Dutch painter of the Golden Age. He is known for his paintings of landscapes, hunting scenes, military genre scenes, religious scenes and portraits.