генрих шлиман (1822 - 1890)

Heinrich Schliemann, full name Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius Schliemann, was a German self-taught archaeologist, entrepreneur, and writer.
He conducted business in Russia and the United States, but at the age of 36, he realized his long-held dream and engaged in prehistoric archaeology. Schliemann traveled extensively in Greece, Italy, Scandinavia, Germany, France, and Syria before traveling around the world, visiting India, China, and Japan and writing a book about the latter two countries.
Schliemann became known for his archaeological excavations of the legendary Troy, Mycenae, and his books and publications on the findings were a success with the public. Critics, however, perceived his work in the field as unprofessional, believing that he did more damage to ancient artifacts than actually served the study of history.

Heinrich Schliemann, full name Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius Schliemann, was a German self-taught archaeologist, entrepreneur, and writer.
He conducted business in Russia and the United States, but at the age of 36, he realized his long-held dream and engaged in prehistoric archaeology. Schliemann traveled extensively in Greece, Italy, Scandinavia, Germany, France, and Syria before traveling around the world, visiting India, China, and Japan and writing a book about the latter two countries.
Schliemann became known for his archaeological excavations of the legendary Troy, Mycenae, and his books and publications on the findings were a success with the public. Critics, however, perceived his work in the field as unprofessional, believing that he did more damage to ancient artifacts than actually served the study of history.