2 Items by auctions and galleries:
германус коллениус (1650 - 1723)
Lot 110 Hermannus Collenius (1650 - 1723), Vertumnus und Pomona
Hermannus Collenius (1650 - 1723)
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. 

Hermannus Collenius
1650 - 1723
The Netherlands
Hermannus Collenius was a Dutch Baroque painter.
The portraits of Hermannus Collenius were characterised by classical elegance and an emphasis on the facial features and clothing of the portrayed subject. The painter often portrayed his sitters according to the latest fashions, which contributed to the popularity of his portraits among the fashionable elite.

Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 40 Hermannus Collenius
Hermannus Collenius (1650 - 1723)
A499: Fine Art 

Hermannus Collenius
1650 - 1723
The Netherlands
Hermannus Collenius was a Dutch Baroque painter.
The portraits of Hermannus Collenius were characterised by classical elegance and an emphasis on the facial features and clothing of the portrayed subject. The painter often portrayed his sitters according to the latest fashions, which contributed to the popularity of his portraits among the fashionable elite.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A499: Fine Art
Date: 15.05.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 307