11 Items by auctions and galleries:
деметер харалам чипарус (1886 - 1947)
Lot 71 Danzatrice egizia | Polychrome enamelled bronze sculpture
Demetre Haralamb Chiparus (1886 - 1947)
537-Part I: Decorative Arts of the 20th century and Design 

Demetre Haralamb Chiparus
16.09.1886 - 22.01.1947
Romania, France

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
537-Part I: Decorative Arts of the 20th century and Design
Date: 16.12.2021 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 153
Lot 2016 Bronze Skulptur „THE CLOWNS DREAM”, um 1930, Frankreich, Joseph Gazan und Demétre H. Chiparus
Demetre Haralamb Chiparus (1886 - 1947)
Dekorative Kunst 

Demetre Haralamb Chiparus
16.09.1886 - 22.01.1947
Romania, France

Auktionshaus Rapp
Dekorative Kunst
Date: 15.11.2023 11:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 71
Lot 42 Demètre Haralamb Chiparus. (Attributed)…
Demetre Haralamb Chiparus (1886 - 1947)
Decorative Arts of the 20th Century and Design Part 1 

Demetre Haralamb Chiparus
16.09.1886 - 22.01.1947
Romania, France

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
Decorative Arts of the 20th Century and Design Part 1
Date: 20.12.2023 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 165