269 Items by auctions and galleries:
искусство в третьем рейхе
Lot 6118 Claus Bergen - "Blick über die Dächer" des englischen Fischerhafens Polperro, um 1910
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 29.05.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 779
Lot 6120 Professor Leonhard Gall (1884 - 1952) - Portraitkopf des Architekten sowie Architekturskizze Hitlers
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 29.05.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 779
Lot 6122 Max Pistorius (1894 - 1960) - Aktgemälde 1947, mit rückseitigem Entwurf
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 29.05.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 779
Lot 6126 Prof. Kurt Schmid-Ehmen - Gipsmodell des Adlers der Luitpoldarena am Reichsparteitagsgelände in Nürnberg
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 29.05.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 779
Lot 6127 Anny Brunner-Winter - Mappe zur Einweihung der Neuen Reichskanzlei 1939
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 29.05.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 779
Lot 6129 Gemälde "Aufbruch" als Geschenk für Generalleutnant Max Dennerlein, datiert 1941
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 29.05.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 779
Lot 6132 Große Feuerschale ähnlich der Schalen auf der Zeppelintribüne in Nürnberg
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
A82r - German contemporary history - Orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 29.05.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 779
Lot 12227 Hans Kraft - Plakatentwurf zur Richard Wagner Festwoche in Detmold 1936
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12228 Hans Kraft - zwei Plakatte zum NSDAP-Kreistreffen in Münster-Warendorf und zur Grabbe-Woche in Detmold
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12229 Hans Kraft - Plakatentwurf und Plakat zum neuen Stadttheater in Münster
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12231 Halskette und Brosche nach dem Hiddenseer Goldschmuck, C. Stabenow, Stralsund
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669