17 Items by auctions and galleries:
крест напрестольный
Lot 105 Крест напрестольный с Распятием и Деисусом
The collection of works of Russian art and icons, as well as European arts and crafts 

Baltic Auction Group
The collection of works of Russian art and icons, as well as European arts and crafts
Date: 12.12.2017 17:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 242
Lot 106 Двухсторонний напрестольный крест. Начало 18 в.
The collection of works of Russian art and icons, as well as European arts and crafts 

Baltic Auction Group
The collection of works of Russian art and icons, as well as European arts and crafts
Date: 12.12.2017 17:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 242