луи суттер (1871 - 1942)

Louis Soutter is a Swiss musician, painter and graphic artist.
He spent several years in the U.S., teaching fine art there, then returned to Switzerland. Soutter worked as a musician, played the violin, and created most of his works at an elderly orphanage on the edge of life. When he could not hold brushes because of illness, he began to paint with his fingers, applying paint to paper.

Louis Soutter is a Swiss musician, painter and graphic artist.
He spent several years in the U.S., teaching fine art there, then returned to Switzerland. Soutter worked as a musician, played the violin, and created most of his works at an elderly orphanage on the edge of life. When he could not hold brushes because of illness, he began to paint with his fingers, applying paint to paper.

Louis Soutter is a Swiss musician, painter and graphic artist.
He spent several years in the U.S., teaching fine art there, then returned to Switzerland. Soutter worked as a musician, played the violin, and created most of his works at an elderly orphanage on the edge of life. When he could not hold brushes because of illness, he began to paint with his fingers, applying paint to paper.