28520 Items by auctions and galleries:
Всадник на зебре
MARINA Havova (b. 1978)
Shop Havova MARINA

Я не могу жить без живописи. Я владею разными техниками, но моя пламенная любовь-акварель, живая волшебная краска.
В акварели я стараюсь достичь живой эмоции. Моя цель: достичь слияния с краской, чтобы акварель свободно разливалась по бумаге, создавая желаемые мне образы.
Получая истинное удовольствие от написания каждой картины, надеюсь, что передаю через картину свою любовь!
Стоимость доставки не включена и рассчитывается отдельно для каждого региона доставки. Доставку оплачивает покупатель.

Artist shop
Number of products: 188
Горилла с желтым воздушным шаром и красной бра на стене.
Grisha Danunaher (b. 1911)
Shop Danunaher Grisha

Grisha Danunaher
Let me introduce you the trendy Berlin artist, Grisha Danunaher. He lives and works in the city of Berlin (Germany), but exhibits his imperishable canvases throughout Europe, China, Canada, Russia and other foreign places. In particular, his works were shown in the House of the Union of Artists in St. Petersburg and in Berlin galleries, Uhr Werk Gallerie, Vinigradov Galerie, Art cafe - Note in a bottle and many other venues. All creations are made in the original manner inherent only to the author, MIPRID - (minimalist, primitive idiocy) with elements of naive art and positive surrealism. Oh yes! He also worked as a clown at Cirque du Soleil, in performances such as ZED and Zarkana, and it's absolutely true! Sincerely, Grisha Danunaher.
Дамы и господа, разрешите представить вашему вниманию модного берлинского художника, Grisha Danunaher со своей не менее модной выставкой под названием, Осенний Свинг-Краплак.
Его искрометные полотна выполнены в оригинальной, присущей только ему манере МиПрИд - (минималистического, примитивного идиотизма) с элементами наивного искусства и позитивного сюрреализма.
Обаяние, задор и веселое хулиганство нашего креативного деятеля не оставят равнодушным как тонких ценителей высокого, изобразительного искусства, так и просто начинающих любителей всего прекрасного и самого замечательного!
В частности его работы демонстрировались в Доме Союза Художников г. Санкт-Петербурга и Берлинских галереях, Uhr Werk Gallerie, Vinogradov Gallery, Арт Площадка - Message in a Bottle и во многих других креативных пространствах, а также на ежегодном арт-фестивале в г. Нюрнберге - Ost Anders 2020 : Digital Exhibition.
А, да! Еще он работал клоуном в Cirque du Soleil, в таких спектаклях как ZED и Zarkana, и это совершенная правда!
Так что пристегивайтесь посильнее и приятного просмотра!

Artist shop
Danunaher Grisha
Number of products: 11
Alexander Dubovskiy (b. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Artist shop
Dubovskiy Alexander
Number of products: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (b. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Artist shop
Dubovskiy Alexander
Number of products: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (b. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Artist shop
Dubovskiy Alexander
Number of products: 21
repatriation/возвращение на родину
Vsevolod Shergin (b. 1992)
Shop Shergin Vsevolod

Vsevolod Shergin
Здравстуйте! рад видеть вас на моей странице! Меня зовут Всеволод, мне 29 лет и я профессиональный актер театра и кино и художник. Живу и работаю в Москве. Живописью занимаюсь с девяти лет, закончил Областную школу искусств в Иркутске и ВТУ им. М.С.Щепкина. Моим основным направление сейчас является абстракция и стрит-арт. Также по настроению и просьбам друзей занимаюсь кастомизацией одежды. Мне очень импонируют люди с хорошим вкусом, надеюсь именно для таких людей я и создаю свои картины, как бы нескромно это не звучало. Готов обсудить цену своих работ, а также условия доставки.

Artist shop
Shergin Vsevolod
Number of products: 8
"Гранаты на столе". (Pomegranate on the table)
Natalya Parshina (b. 1974)
Shop Parshina Natalya

Natalya Parshina
Мне 46 лет. Я не училась живописи ни в школе, ни в академии. Но если в душе ты - художник, от этого не спрячешься. Кисточку и краски впервые взяла в руки, когда уже исполнилось 42 года. С тех пор с ними не расстаюсь. Живопись для меня - и допинг, и успокоительное. В каждой, созданной мной картине, есть частица моей души.
Чтобы картины радовали вас как можно дольше, я использую только профессиональные масляные краски с натуральным пигментом. Они не поменяют цвет в течении 50-70 лет. Также я беру только качественные льняные или хлопковые холсты, натянутые на подрамник или оргалит.
Живопись - прекрасный подарок на любой праздник или событие. Я надеюсь, что мои картины принесут в ваш дом не только красоту и уют, но и подарят праздничное настроение или умиротворение.

Artist shop
Parshina Natalya
Number of products: 64
Маяк на озере Мечигин
Ella Shevchenko (b. 2000)
Shop Shevchenko Ella

Ella Shevchenko
Родилась 06.09.2000 на Украине в Одесской области с.Новоciлка, живопись полюбила после окончания 9 класса,до этого все свободное время занималась изучением муз.грамоты и отрабатывает навыков на муз.инструментах,но когда в моей жизни появилось рисования, поняла что есть то что становится с каждым днем мне ближе и родней,музыка по прежнему рядом,она вдохновляет,одобряет меня,но ближе становится живопись ,краски,холст,кисти...

Artist shop
Shevchenko Ella
Number of products: 19
Лето на Севере России
Anastasia Goreva (b. 1996)
Shop Goreva Anastasia

Anastasia Goreva
Мой наставник, профессор, педагог и народный художник - Сидоров Валентин Михайлович , задал как мне кажется важную линию моего искусства. Главное - колорит. Художественный образ , собственное видение натуры. Перед нами - последователями русской (Московской)школы стоит важная задача - популяризировать наше искусство не только в России, но и как когда -то Дягилев и за рубежом.

Artist shop
Goreva Anastasia
Number of products: 12
На берегу
Sergey Prin (b. 1962)
Shop Prin Sergey

Sergey Prin
12.02.62 родился.1996-1990 Донецкое Государственное художественное училище. 1991-1996 Харьковский художественно-промышленный институт ( монументально-декоративная роспись). Член НСХУ ( Национальный Союз художников Украины). Работы находятся в частных коллекциях Украины, России, Израиля, США, Канады, Великобритании, Германии,Австрии, Италии, Франции ит. д. Донецкий художественный музей, Симферопольский художественный музей, Национальный художественный музей Украины ( Киев).

Artist shop
Prin Sergey
Number of products: 103
"На мельничном пруду" Продано
Tatyana Chuprina (b. 1972)
Shop Chuprina Tatyana

Tatyana Chuprina
Чуприна Татьяна Анатольевна.Родилась в 1972 году на Украине в г.Снигирёвка. Закончила Николаевское художественное училище с дипломом художник-оформитель. После переезда в Россию,г.Зеленоградск вернулась к своей профессии,проводила персональные выставки и участвовала в различных конкурсах.Картины художника находятся в частных коллекциях у коллекционеров стран США,Армении,Израиля,Ирландии,России,Украины,Франции.

Artist shop
Chuprina Tatyana
Number of products: 23
НА УЛИЦЕ ДОЖДЬ 2005 Таганская
Alexander Dubovskiy (b. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Artist shop
Dubovskiy Alexander
Number of products: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (b. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Artist shop
Dubovskiy Alexander
Number of products: 21
Каникулы на балканах
Vsevolod Shergin (b. 1992)
Shop Shergin Vsevolod

Vsevolod Shergin
Здравстуйте! рад видеть вас на моей странице! Меня зовут Всеволод, мне 29 лет и я профессиональный актер театра и кино и художник. Живу и работаю в Москве. Живописью занимаюсь с девяти лет, закончил Областную школу искусств в Иркутске и ВТУ им. М.С.Щепкина. Моим основным направление сейчас является абстракция и стрит-арт. Также по настроению и просьбам друзей занимаюсь кастомизацией одежды. Мне очень импонируют люди с хорошим вкусом, надеюсь именно для таких людей я и создаю свои картины, как бы нескромно это не звучало. Готов обсудить цену своих работ, а также условия доставки.

Artist shop
Shergin Vsevolod
Number of products: 8
Alexander Dubovskiy (b. 1959)
Shop Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Artist shop
Dubovskiy Alexander
Number of products: 21
Италия. Закат на море.
MARINA Havova (b. 1978)
Shop Havova MARINA

Я не могу жить без живописи. Я владею разными техниками, но моя пламенная любовь-акварель, живая волшебная краска.
В акварели я стараюсь достичь живой эмоции. Моя цель: достичь слияния с краской, чтобы акварель свободно разливалась по бумаге, создавая желаемые мне образы.
Получая истинное удовольствие от написания каждой картины, надеюсь, что передаю через картину свою любовь!
Стоимость доставки не включена и рассчитывается отдельно для каждого региона доставки. Доставку оплачивает покупатель.

Artist shop
Number of products: 188
Зимний Огой на Байкале
Natalia Harina (b. 1973)
Shop Harina Natalia

Natalia Harina
Я выражаю свои чувства через свои полотна. Восхищаюсь природой России и люблю созерцать. После поездки на Байкал, остров Ольхон, начала писать маслом. В моих картинах есть энергия, у созерцателей моих картин появляются мурашки.

Artist shop
Harina Natalia
Number of products: 3
Нежные облака Картина маслом на холсте
Polina Kuprianova (b. 1998)
Shop Kuprianova Polina

Polina Kuprianova
Пишу картины на заказ
Любая тематика и размер, справлюсь с любой сложностью
Портреты людей и животных, пейзаж, городской пейзаж, архитектура, натюрморт, Роспись стен и одежды!

Artist shop
Kuprianova Polina
Number of products: 38
Портрет по фото на заказ детский мальчик
Tatiana Lapina (b. 1986)
Shop Lapina Tatiana

Tatiana Lapina
Artist Lapina Tatiana Alexandrovna was born in Kamensk - Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region, Russia. Since childhood, I learned to draw on my own, since studying at an art school was expensive for my parents, I received a musical education that instilled in me a love of classical music. Continuing to paint her paintings in watercolor, she went to study in Moscow. After studying at the Moscow Academic Art School in 2011, I paint Oil Paintings. Now I work as an Artist, I paint Paintings to Order, compose music and raise three children: Konstantin, Elizabeth and Eugene. I will be happy to give a part of myself, passing on my tenderness, harmony and kindness.
Художник Лапина Татьяна Александровна родилась в городе Каменске - Уральском, Свердловской области, Россия.
С детства училась рисовать самостоятельно, поскольку обучение в художественной школе для моих родителей было накладно, я получила музыкальное образование, которое привило мне любовь к классической музыке. Продолжая писать свои картины акварелью, поехала учиться в Москву. После обучения в Московском Академическом Художественном Училище в 2011 году пишу Картины Маслом. Сейчас я работаю Художником, пишу Картины на Заказ, сочиняю музыку и воспитываю троих детей: Константина, Елизавету и Евгения. Буду счастлива подарить часть себя, передавая свою нежность, гармонию и доброту.

Artist shop
Lapina Tatiana
Number of products: 55