3 Items by auctions and galleries:
пеладжио паладжи (1775 - 1860)
Lot 596 Vergine
Pelagio Palagi (1775 - 1860)
A510-II | Paintings and sculptures of the XIX and XX centuries — Session II 

Pelagio Palagi
25.05.1775 - 06.03.1860

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
A510-II | Paintings and sculptures of the XIX and XX centuries — Session II
Date: 16.06.2021 15:30 UTC +02:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 109
Lot 172 "Vergine" | olio su tavola (cm 60x46) | Al retro: iscrizione | In cornice | (difetti) | | Opera accompagnata da perizia scritta rilasciata dal Prof. Fernando Mazzocca
Pelagio Palagi (1775 - 1860)
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Pelagio Palagi
25.05.1775 - 06.03.1860

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 15:00 UTC +02:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 127